Economic Bondage in an Age of Freedom

Shitty day.
Fuck, fuck, fuck.
What a shitty day. Nothing too horrible, just left me wondering: When’s Timmy-time? When do I get time for me? It seems like I’m working my life away… and I am. Is this really what I want to do with my life? It’s so short, and it’s slipping away… Is this it?
Why does it seem like we get busier and busier every year? Why don’t Americans use their supposed wealth to stretch out their leisure time? Isn’t that the definition of freedom? But I bet most of you are stuck with whatever PTO time the company gives you… and the rest of you can only wish you had PTO time.
Is this freedom? Is this wealth? How come I feel so poor in the time department? I’d gladly trade some money for some more time… but I don’t have enough money either.
They keep telling me that Americans are rich, richer than most of the rest of the world. Is that so? Then how come we have to work so much? After cost of living expenses and inflation are factored in it seems to me that we’re just like everybody else. Just trying to get by, day by day. Working more than we should because we can’t control our own hours. We can’t get the job we really want, we can’t spend as much time with friends and family as we’d like and if we complain too much we’re out on the streets. You call this freedom? I call it economic bondage.
So this is what it feels like to be a wealthy slave.
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For the majority of people, that’s how it is. I’ve had my share of issues lately, but I made a change and decided to enjoy my work, to do my job in a way that gives me something back.>>The hardest lesson I’ve had to learn in my life is that I’m responsible for how I feel. It’s been tricky altering my own emotions and reactions, and it is an endless effort, but there is a reward.>>Fortunately, I have my breaks and can focus on my singing, which is what I really love.>>The best we can do right now is to live when we can, and reveal our personalities in everything we do. Expression has always been my biggest problem.. hmm.. time to write another blog entry, I think!
I have a rule about work and family. I work to support my family, period. I will not sacrifice family for work. Luckily my wife is very understanding and wants me to accomplish more and grow in my job. That being said, I always maintain a good balance. Whenever the issue of work travel comes up, as it does with my 1-2 week trips to Shanghai a few times a year, I always clear it with her first. I also expect to get comp. days when I return. Hell, as far as I am concerned, when I travel I am working 24-hours a day! >>BTW, what the heck are electric monkey pants and where can I get a pair?!?>>Phantom – AKA – tj’s bro
thanks for the comment, phantom. >>i agree that it’s necessary to set boundaries or work can start taking over your life. Part of the reason why I’m stressed is that I just got done with a lot of travel. My lone comp day is tomorrow, and it can’t come soon enough! >>Travel is definitely work, man! If I’m in a hotel room, that means I can’t do the things I would normally do at home like hang out with friends. Going to Shanghai sounds like even more work than my trips! Hopefully it’s interesting at least.>>As for what electric monkey pants are… that’s a question for the ages! 🙂