Why am I obsessed with LOLcats?

It’s just a stupid internet meme, but it amuses me endlessly. Here’s one I made for Hedy:
Ahhh… the internet. Pretty soon there’s gonna be more pictures of cats on the web than (human) pornography. Kitty-porn, as it were, is winning.
I just can’t explain the attraction. Kitties are cute, no doubt, but it still seems odd. I wonder if there’s a 12-step program…
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I love it! And thanks.
Nice on, Vemrion. >Oddly enough, some of my mates were commenting on just the same thing recently, that cats (or images of cats) turn up in a decidedly large number of other pictures on “deh intarweb”. Gotta’ love ’em, the cute little furballs.