Category : idiots

"Girls shouldn’t read big books"

I was on reddit today when I saw this awfulness:

I work at a bookstore. I was cashiering today when a woman and her two kids (a boy and a girl, both somewhere between 13-15) came up to the register. The mom was buying 2 celeb gossip magazines, and the boy put down a book. The girl then walked up and set down the newest volume of the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants series.

The mom says “You can’t buy that.”

Girl: Why?
Mom: Because it’s too big.
Girl: [Brother] is buying a book that big. It’s not very expensive.
Mom: [Brother] is a boy. You’re a girl. And girls shouldn’t read big books like that. It’s too thick. Boys don’t like girls who read thick books. You want boys to like you, don’t you?

The girl went and put the book away.

Just one more example of stupidity in our world, but this really has to win an award or something. First off, I dig intelligent girls; especially if they have cute glasses. This mom is a fucking retard.

You know, we often blame men or pop culture for brainwashing young girls into being Britney Spears clones with no brains or ambition to do anything but strip, but I think that that assumption is, in itself, sexist. As this little scenario makes clear, sometimes it’s women who most brutally oppress and put-down each other.

I don’t know why this lady is trying to raise her daughter to be an empty-headed slut, but I suspect it has something to do with the bitch being an empty-headed slut herself. Dear daughter might’ve shown signs of actual intelligence, which dear mother perceived as a threat. Maybe she’s afraid her daughter will soon realize that her mom is a pill-popping whore who is too stupid and weak to do anything for herself, so she had to spread her legs and ensnare the first man who fell into her trap. I hope the daughter will be able to overcome her mom’s stupid-slut programming, but it won’t be easy.

It shocks me that this coversation took place in the age of Harry Potter. Those books are thick and they are written by a woman (with cute glasses) who has married a nice man and made a billion dollars doing what she loves. Obviously the mom isn’t a thousandth of the person that J.K. Rowling is, but that only makes the comparison more stark.

The mom in the scenario above is a fucking useless piece of guttertrash and she deserves to fucking suffer for what she’s doing to her own kids. Fuck her and may she burn in hell… BUT … after reading this story I don’t want to hear about how men are oppressing women and all that shit. Sure, it’s true to some extent, but who do young girls trust most and look up to most for guidance in this world? Their mothers of course. And if this is what mothers are still teaching their daughters then why should I have to get blamed for somehow oppressing women or holding them down? Let’s not stereotype, people. It’s so easy to blame men for all of the problems that women face, but that’s a lazy and unfair (and bigoted) mistake.

You know, I’m having trouble finding a beautiful, brainy girl. Stupid cunts like this mother are probably part of the reason why (and yeah, my dirty mouth might be part of it… but do you disagree with my characterization?). Girls: don’t listen to the fucking useless twats who think they know what guys want. I’m a guy, and I want a girl who’s brilliant and funny. If only that was possible. I guess this world does all it can snuff her light out lest it shine too bright.

Idiocracy is Brilliant

I just saw Mike Judge’s new movie, Idiocracy, and it’s such a brilliant satire that I can see why Fox tried to bury it.

It’s a potent look at our present, despite the fact that the movie is set in 2505. Intelligence declined precipitously over 5 centuries, leaving the people of 2505 incredibly stupid. Luke Wilson’s character, Joe, is frozen cryogenically for 500 years and when he (implausibly) wakes up to discover this horrific fact he is arrested for not having a barcode like everyone else in the future. Though arrested, he simply talks his way out of jail and runs off to try and find a time machine to take him back.

Although Joe is the smartest man alive in the 2505 he certainly isn’t very smart by 2007 standards. It is with this dark idea that Judge weaves his vicious comedy. If this idiot can solve the world’s problems, why can’t the rest of us?

The idiots of the future think Joe’s intelligent points are actually the pompous ravings of a “fag”. During Joe’s speech to the nation at the end he says, “… And there was a time, a long time ago, when reading wasn’t ‘just for fags’.” When was that, exactly? I’m afraid the idiocy Mike Judge is skewering is our own.

Idiocracy is very good, but Fox decided to release the movie the same way most of us release a monster piece of shit; quietly and discretely. (I hope that’s how you take a dump anyway. It could be loud and with a huge PR campaign, but I’ll be discrete and refrain from asking) The movie was quickly flushed away and won more praise from reviewers than it did from Fox’s publicists. Surely, the world is upside-down and the idiots are in charge. There can be no doubt at the end of the movie that the decision to bury the movie was a political act. The movie’s depiction of corporate and political life hits too close to home. And the best part is: it’s funny! You might even learn something.

A young McDonald’s employee humiliated, forced to strip and then to perform a sexual act in the back office, during her work day.

This is one fucked up story. I’m not going to try and regurgitate it since I won’t do it justice. Just check it out and try not to think of Milgram’s experiment concerning obediance to authority.

Update 10.2.07: The poor (obedient) girl has managed to swing a 6 million dollar payday out of this episode. I guess she won’t have to work at McDonald’s anymore.

Sooo funny. What the fuck did he think would happen?

Oh man, that guy thought he was sooooo cool for about 5 seconds. Then, notice at the end how he has to roll off the truck and onto the concrete. Smooth, right? Well, not quite. Look how he almost gets crushed by the rear tire of his truck after the truck plows into the telephone pole.

Pretty fuckin’ funny, though. I enjoyed the part where he almost died. Seriously — this is just so fucking stupid. What if some little girl decided to ride her bike into the street right as this numbskull was getting onto his windshield? She could’ve been flattened, and this his little joke wouldn’t be so funny, would it? Ah well, not that I’m totally against “riding the whip” — I just don’t think you should do it in urban or suburban areas. Go out in the sticks, man!

…After you fix your truck, that is.