Category : war

Oh, that would be a shame. Couldn’t they get us involved in any more pointless wars first? How will we stumble into a sure-to-be-apocalyptic future without their guiding hand? I guess we’ll have to make do. On the other hand, virtually all of the founders of the PNAC are now “heavy hitters” in either the Bush administration or the conservative movement at large:

The doors may be closing shortly on the nine-year-old Project for a New American Century, the neoconservative think tank headed by William Kristol , former chief of staff to Vice President Dan Quayle and now editor of the Weekly Standard, which is must reading for neocon cogitators and agitators.

The PNAC was short on staff — having perhaps a half-dozen employees — but very long on heavy hitters. The founders included Richard B. Cheney , Donald H. Rumsfeld , Paul D. Wolfowitz , Jeb Bush , I. Lewis “Scooter” Libby , William J. Bennett, Zalmay Khalilzad and Quayle.

The goal was to continue the Reaganite, muscular approach to projecting American power and “moral clarity” in a post-Cold War world, the group’s manifesto said. The targets were liberal drift and conservative isolationism.

Yeah, you’d hate to have people saying we should just stay home and not go out pillaging other countries for blood and oil.

The article says there is a “mission accomplished” vibe at the PNAC. Now that strikes me as one of the most hilariously ironic statements I’ve heard in a long time. First, it ties to Bush’s classic Mission Accomplished banner blunder on the aircraft carrier. Second, it seems that the PNAC was only concerned about getting us into Iraq, not out. How curious. I wonder if it has something to do with the permanent military bases we’re building in Iraq?

The PNAC did exactly what they wanted to do. They found “a new Pearl Harbor” just when they needed one (how “fortunate”…) and they twisted the memory of the dead from that event to justify invading Iraq, a pissant country that posed no threat to us. “Mission Accomplished”, indeed. The PNAC has succeeded beyond expectations, but the problem is that their success has spelled disaster for the American people. We’re stuck in a war that could last decades while a new war against Iran is currently in the planning stages.

Let me lay it on the line and just say this: The Project for a New American Century is a cabal of fascists who are dead-set on creating an American Empire. Guess who would be in charge of this empire?

Empires are not democracies. Look to Rome if you want to know where our civilization will end up.

Abu Musab al-Zarqawi

So Abu Musab al- has been killed. I don’t think this matters much at all. The insurgency is much bigger than one man. We’ve still got a lot of problems to solve if we’re gonna get our soldiers out of that hellhole alive. Hope the Iraqis make it, but I suspect the root of their problems is the occupation itself, despite what Bush might say.

Bring our troops home. Let’s get out of Iraq and stay the fuck out of Iran. No more wars of conquest!

Ahh, that’s all I got. Read the last post if you want something witty and insightful.

War of Words with Iran — Beginning World War IV?

The Iranians are threatening to cutoff oil supplies if they are attacked. Condi Rice responded that we’ll “wait and see.”

“Well, I think we shouldn’t place too much emphasis on a move of this kind; after all Iran is very dependent on oil revenue,” Rice told Fox News Sunday.

Asked whether Iranian leaders had already rejected a six-nation diplomatic initiative, by insisting there be no preconditions for new talks on their nuclear program, Rice said Iran had not yet received the proposal and would need time to assess it.

“It’s sort of a major crossroads for Iran, and it’s perhaps not surprising that they will need a little bit of time to look at it,” she told Fox News.

Washington has offered to join European countries in talks with Iran about the nuclear program, but says Iran must first suspend uranium enrichment. Iran has so far said enrichment is a national right.

I like how the precondition for negotiations is for to give us exactly what we’ve been demanding all along. If they stopped enrichment, what more would there be to negotiate? I don’t think Iran is meant to take this proposal very seriously at all. In fact, they are meant to reject it so that they look stubborn and irrational. In reality it’s the Americans who are acting strangely. But I guess that all boils down to the fact that we plan to invade Iran soon. Probably within the next year.

Wouldn’t it be convenient for the Republicans if Iran were to provoke us somehow, say right before the midterm elections in November? It sure seems like we’re trying to goad Iran into doing something stupid, but some have raised the possibility of a false flag attack. That would mean that we’d attack ourselves and then blame it on Iran. It’s been an old standby trick for Americans going back decades if not centuries. Still works like a charm.

Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that. Iran will not be a cakewalk. Iran is much larger than Iraq and their economy has not been crippled by sanctions like Iraq’s was. I think it would be insane to attack them, but just because it’s insane doesn’t mean the neocons won’t do it. In fact, it probably increases the odds that they will. They like to keep people off-balance.

If it looks like we’re about to go into Iran we need to have massive protests in every American city. We need to shut down commerce and the government by use of strikes, civil disobedience and massive protests. We cannot let this happen. To attack Iran would be to basically start World War III (or World War IV if you count the Cold War as WWIII). Of course, that’s assuming it hasn’t started already with our invasion of Iraq. It’s hard to know what has begun until you’re well into it.

Personally, I think the Cold War counts as World War III if you include all of the sub-wars within it, such as Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan and stand-offs like the Cuban missile crisis. Conflicts like the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, Vietnam and Korea were really just proxy-wars, with the USSR and USA each backing a different side in the fight. We were still fighting, but it didn’t get too “hot” which might’ve resulted in the usage of nuclear weapons. The fact that we used all of these proxies is what makes it a global war in my opinion. And certainly, many millions of people died.

Marines Go on Rampage, Kill 15 Iraqi Civilians

This is totally fucked up.

The people responsible need to be punished. I understand their anger that their buddy was killed, but the innocent townspeople shouldn’t bear the brunt of their anger. Save it for the terrorists. The marines responsible should be kicked out of the service, tried, and imprisoned if guilty.

Look out, Iran. GW's crazy

Listening to: Paul Oakenfold – Nixon’s Spirit (feat. Hunter S. Thompson)

These Bush cabal fuckers are crazy, man. Iraq is a fucking debacle and planning is well under way for part 2: Iran. It’s bigger, badder and much more challenging than the original. This sequel will be the beginning of the end of our little blue planet should we choose this course.

Listening to: Bee Gees – Stayin’ Alive

Okay, this is getting creepy. I’m not choosing these songs; they’re popping up on my randomized iTunes player.

Anyway, seriously. We need to step back from the edge. Attacking Iran is crazy. These guys are probably the most powerful nation in the middle east and their fanatic nutjobs, just like Bush & company. That would be a bad combination.

Are you aware of the high-level planning for a war in Iran, with war games to that effect? Here’s a snippet from War and Piece:

The public needs to know first, that this planning includes preemptive plans that the President could approve and implement with 12 hours notice. Congress should take notice of the fact that there is a real war plan — CONPLAN 8022 — and it could be implemented tomorrow.

Second, the public needs to know that the train has left the station on bigger war planning, that a ground war — despite the Post claim yesterday that a land invasion ‘is not contemplated’ — is also being prepared. It is a real war plan; I’ve heard CONPLAN 1025.

Like early 2002, the floodgates have opened and the stories about Iran war planning have started. Some claim Dick Cheney has already made the decision, some claim war this spring, some say the U.S. and Israel are collaborating.

Listening to: Johnny Cash – Meet Me In Heaven

Okay, this is officially scary. WTF?

I had to check the next song. It’s Skid Row. I’m gettin’ outa here.