The media finally covers Ron Paul

Oh wait, it’s a total hatchet job:
Paul keeps white supremacist donation
WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. – Republican presidential hopeful Ron Paul has received a $500 campaign donation from a white supremacist, and the Texas congressman doesn’t plan to return it, an aide said Wednesday.
Don Black, of West Palm Beach, recently made the donation, according to campaign filings. He runs a Web site called Stormfront with the motto, “White Pride World Wide.” The site welcomes postings to the “Stormfront White Nationalist Community.”
The mainstream media (MSM) has no intention of covering the presidential race fairly. They plan to turn it into a horserace and throw the issues out the window.
I’ve written extensively about this before. From their incredible (and intentional) stupidity to their orthodox adherence to inanity the mainstream press apparatus is nothing more than a treasonous corporate whore. Glenn Greenwald has been covering this issue superbly as well.
It’s been fascinating to watch the media blackout on Ron Paul. I mean, Pravda couldn’t have done a better job at squashing stories about him, but the internet has provided Paul supporters a platform to spread the word. It’s interesting to watch the media desperately try to keep a lid on his campaign even while he’s breaking fundraising records.
The media still has to cover him, of course. A total blackout would be rather bizarre and would draw more attention than it would divert. However, the “subtle” blackout we’ve been subject to is obvious and suspicious nonetheless.
I should point out that I’m not a fervent Paulite. I don’t like a lot of his conservative positions, but his opposition to the Federal Reserve certainly caught my attention. Apparently it caught the Oligarchy’s attention too, which is why Dr. Paul is not getting any mainstream play.
You’ll notice that even the mainstream outfits that do cover Paul tend to do it in their “blog section”, which is exactly where I found the link above. That same blog post displays the most common way reporters deal with Paul; draw attention to his supporters and make them seem a little unhinged:
His legions of alert supporters scour the Internet for slights to right, frequently crudely, and any opportunities to promote their strict constructionist candidate. They dismiss the polls as slanted and the money-raising as the real indicator of the 72-year-old ob-gyn’s growing national support among disaffected Republicans, Democrats and previous non-voters. The Times’ James Rainey examined one Southern California meet-up group for Paul here.
We’ve written about these supporters here and examined hundreds of their comments here. No doubt there’ll be some more to read down below here shortly.
Nice of them to examine the man’s supports and their internet activities, but (and maybe I’m old fashioned here) what about his position on the issues?
Oh silly me. I forgot the Media has already decided that we’ll be choosing between Hillary and Ghouliani.
But what if I want to live in a democracy?
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