They got’er up safely. Glad to hear it; this was a bit of a nail-biter. They’re really gotta do something about those external tanks. They are just not realiable. Here’s hoping Discovery completes her mission and makes it back home in one piece.
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Liebermen (sic) Sets 1pm Press Event, Preparing to Run as Independant (sic).
(from Digg) U.S. Sen. Joe Lieberman, facing a stronger-than-expected Democratic primary challenge and sagging poll numbers because of his support of the Iraq war, said Monday he’ll collect signatures to run as an unaffiliated candidate if he loses next month’s primary.(/Digg)
Ah, Lieberman — always the turncoat. I would like to see him as an indepedent candidate. Who could he possibly betray then? His campaign manager? His wife?
The Democrats suck on many levels, but one of the areas they suck most is Joe Lieberman. He’s nothing more than a Bush-toady, a toady who enjoys the full support of the Democratic Leadership Council. The DLC is under control of the same people who control the Republican Party — banks, corporations and Big Money.
Sorry for the digg-post. It amuses me with it’s crappy messiness. Ahh… democracy….
Happy 4th of July; a time to celebrate the hard-won freedom that we no longer have by blowing up a shitload of fireworks.
I guess you could say that July 4th is a bittersweet day for me because I see our situation as being increasingly dire. We are under the thumb of a corrupt, tyrannical regime bent on world domination. Doesn’t exactly make me feel like celebrating. At least we still have the illusion of freedom, which is almost as good as the real thing. They let us continue to pretend to be free, but those days are numbered. In reality, our rights are increasingly being stripped away in favor of corporate interests and government power.
In these troubled times, it’s usually a good idea to try and get some perspective. In this case, let’s look to Britain and find out how they see us Americans:
Most Britons see America as a cruel, vulgar, arrogant society, riven by class and racism, crime-ridden, obsessed with money and led by an incompetent hypocrite.
Hmmm…. harshly worded, but I can’t really find fault with their point of view. But c’mon, it can’t really be that bad, can it?
More than two-thirds who offered an opinion said America is essentially an imperial power seeking world domination. And 81 per cent of those who took a view said President George W Bush hypocritically championed democracy as a cover for the pursuit of American self-interests.
…And these are our allies, folks. Can you imagine what more fair-minded people think?
The worst part is that they’re absolutely right. Bush is a fucking imperialist. Let’s not dance around the issue, here, okay? We’ll be invading Iran soon, so I don’t wanna hear any bullshit about “spreading democracy around the globe.” What a bunch of crap. The only thing we’re spreading is bullshit.
As a supposed democracy, we’re ultimately responsible for this mess because we (officially speaking) elected George Bush. In reality, that’s probably not the case, but it’s still bad news that he got any votes at all. It’s not very ironic that a man who wasn’t really elected is trying start an empire by pretending to spread democracy around the globe at gunpoint. It’s insanity; it’s ludicrous. It’s hypocrisy and outright deception.
Enjoy your 4th of July holiday. Enjoy your pretend-freedom — ya know, the kind that Bush and Cheney will soon take away in order to fight the terr’rists. Remember not to ask too many questions and be a good little sheep. Let’s all just pretend that the man with a 30% approval rating has a mandate and that he’s a not a lying piece of shit. The important thing is that we have the illusion of freedom, right? That way when Bush claims to spread that American freed0m-juice around the globe we actually believe that might be a good thing. But don’t question it, just watch the pretty fireworks.
Yayy… fireworks!…
This guy is fuckin’ great:
“Speaking of Satan, I was watching Rush Limbaugh the other day… Doesn’t Rush Limbaugh remind you of one of those gay guys who likes to lay in a tub while other men pee on him? Can’t you see his fat body in a tub while Reagan, Quayle and Bush just … [pee noise] Just standing around pissing on him, and his little piggly-wiggly dick can’t get hard. ‘Ooh, I can’t get hard. Ronnie, pee in my mouth’. ‘Well, how’s that, Rush?’ He still can’t get hard, so they call in Barbara Bush. She takes her pearls off, shoves them up his ass, squats over him, undoes her girdle. Her wrinkled, flaccid labia unfurls half way to her knees, like some ball-less scrotum. ‘Uhh…. uhh…..’ She squeezes out a link into his mouth. Finally, his tiny dick gets half-way hard. ‘uhh-Oooh!’ A little bubble forms on the end of his dick, with a little maggot inside. The maggot pops the bubble, and goes off to join a pro-life group somewhere. Am I the only one that sees that? Thank god I had the insight to notice Rush Limbaugh is a scat muncher; he munches scat.” — Bill Hicks
Fucking right, man. I love this guy’s point of view. He continually bashes the fucking evil, demonic fucktards who rule this planet.
“I’m sorry if anyone here is Catholic. I’m not sorry if you are offended, I’m actually sorry – just the fact that you’re Catholic. Gotta be one of the most ludicrous fucking beliefs ever. Like these vampire priests sink their twin fangs of guilt and sin into you as a child and suck your joy of life out of you the rest of your fucking existence.”
. . .“The whole image is that eternal suffering awaits anyone who questions God’s infinite love. That’s the message we’re brought up with, isn’t it? Believe or die! ‘Thank you, forgiving Lord, for all those options.'”
. . .No matter what promises you make on the campaign trail – blah, blah, blah – when you win, you go into this smoky room with the twelve industrialist, capitalist scumfucks that got you in there, and this little screen comes down… and it’s a shot of the Kennedy assassination from an angle you’ve never seen before, which looks suspiciously off the grassy knoll…. And then the screen comes up, the lights come on, and they say to the new president, ‘Any questions?’
“Just what my agenda is.”
Ah. Good stuff.
“Take mushrooms, folks, and squeegee your 3rd fuckin’ eye. MTV’s cloudin’ it over, okay? TV is like taking black paint to your eye. Take mushrooms. What do you think, mushrooms are here by accident? You think that’s an accident?” — Bill Hicks
How come I didn’t know about this guy back in the 90’s? This is totally the thought-train that my brain was on (and still is). He really did die too young.
Greg Palast is hinting that the presidential election of the successor to Vicente Fox is being stolen as we speak:
We’ve said again and again: exit polls tell us how voters say they voted, but the voters can’t tell pollsters whether their vote will be counted. In Mexico, counting the vote is an art, not a science – and Calderón’s ruling crew is very artful indeed. The PAN-controlled official electoral commission, not surprisingly, has announced that the presidential tally is too close to call.
Calderón’s election is openly supported by the Bush administration.
On the ground in Mexico city, our news team reports accusations from inside the Obrador campaign that operatives of the PAN had access to voter files that are supposed to be the sole property of the nation’s electoral commission. We are not surprised.
This past Friday, we reported that the US Federal Bureau of Investigation had obtained Mexico’s voter files under a secret “counter-terrorism” contract with the database company ChoicePoint of Alpharetta, Georgia.
Mexico has a long history of corrupt elections. The PRI has stolen more elections than George Bush could dream of stealing. Let’s hope things turn out to be fair… but I doubt that will be the case. Greg Palast has more on his blog.
Personally, the ChoicePoint involvement sounds suspicious to me, but it’s notoriously hard to determine if elections are fair or not. I’d be interested to hear what the international observers (if they were let in) say about the election.
“All right, you’ve covered your ass now” is what George Bush said to the CIA agent who flew out to his ranch specifically to warn him about intelligence concerning the presidential daily brief entitled, “Bin Laden Determined to Strike in US.”
On Aug. 6, a CIA official brought the infamous “Bin Laden Determined to Strike in US” memo to Crawford, to read it out personally to the President and make sure he got the warning. Bush sat in silence as the briefer delivered his fell message. Duty done, the agent awaited the president’s orders, or the president’s guidance, or the president’s questions. He got nothing but a curt, snide dismissal: “All right, you’ve covered your ass now.”
That was it. Bush had nothing else to say about this stark threat of impending slaughter. He had no questions, no advice; the “Commander-in-Chief” had no commands. Just smirking contempt. “You’ve covered your ass.” You’ve gone through the motions, you’ve played your part in the charade, just like me – now get lost.
Even if you give Bush every benefit of the doubt here, even if you put the most charitable construction possible on his behavior – although his proven record of duplicity and malevolence deserves no such charity – even with all this, the very best you could say of his reaction is that it represents a blood-curdling degree of depraved indifference and criminal negligence, worthy of Nero.”
Bush is a real card isn’t he? Funny guy. What kind of games are they playing over there in Washington, D.C.? “You’ve covered your ass” is not an appropriate response to a grave terrorist threat from one of America’s supposed top enemies. What’s going on here? Are we to assume that our president is so surly and callous that he just doesn’t care? Or does it run deeper than that, perhaps into the murky land of “fore-knowledge”?
It’s hard to tell. But one thing is for sure: Bush simply is not competent to run this country. He should be impeached immediately, without delay.
But those Republicans sure do stick together, don’t they? Jeeze, sometimes you’ve got to wonder about their fabled ability to fall in line. Does Karl Rove have incriminating pictures of every single one of them or what? C’mon! Grow some balls, guys (and gals). GW is a menace and we need to impeach him forthwith. Perhaps during the hearings we will find out what really happened in the run-up to September 11th.
Is there anything better? It’s past 7 but the sun is still up. Best of all, I don’t have to work tomorrow. I’ma head out to da beach. See ya later.
Koizumi loves Elvis a lot! This story is pretty damn hilarious:
It was Bush’s first visit to Presley’s white brick mansion.
“My first visit too,” Koizumi said, standing in a gaudy, wood-paneled den known as the Jungle Room where Presley hung out with his buddies. “It’s like a dream – with President Bush and Presley’s daughter.”
Bush, first lady Laura Bush and Koizumi drove through the gates of Graceland in a shiny, black limousine adorned with the flags of both nations. It was as if they were making a formal diplomatic visit.
After they got out, the scene turned surreal.
Here was Bush, who didn’t stop off at the Taj Mahal while in India, touring the home of a music star who died in his bathroom of heart disease and drug abuse in 1977.
Instead of walking down red carpets to review troops, Bush and Koizumi strode over green shag that lined the floors and ceiling of the den. Instead of elegant furniture and chandeliers, Bush and Koizumi posed for photos in a room decorated with white ceramic monkeys and wooden chairs with armrests carved in the shape of animal heads.
Aw, c’mon! What’s wrong with ceramic monkeys! I’m tellin’ ya – monkeys are fuckin’ great. Everybody loves monkeys. You can’t go wrong with monkeys. Hell, that’s why I named this blog Electric Monkey Pants. If it’s got monkeys in it, it’s gotta be good, right?
I find this scenario improbably hilarious. I don’t even have any of my customary Bush-bashing as I think it’s decent of him to do a favor for Koizumi like this. Koizumi’s involvement with the Iraq War not withstanding, I think it’s he a pretty cool guy for a politician.
The whole thing sounds totally bizarre. I wish politics were always this weird and interesting. Mostly it’s depressing and hopeless. But Koizumi has brightened my day with his appreciation of Elvis. Rock on!
So says this article about the Brotherhood of Man:
With the help of a statistician, a computer scientist and a supercomputer, Olson has calculated just how interconnected the human family tree is. You would have to go back in time only 2,000 to 5,000 years – and probably on the low side of that range – to find somebody who could count every person alive today as a descendant.
Unless that person didn’t reproduce. But it is a fascinating facet of human reproduction that it takes 2 people to make a new human. It’s kinda funny to think about – it’s a magical process, creating a human from nothing, springing forth new life in the womb of a woman.
Turn that idea around and you realize that we have a lot of relatives if you go back far enough:
It also means that all of us have ancestors of every color and creed. Every Palestinian suicide bomber has Jews in his past. Every Sunni Muslim in Iraq is descended from at least one Shiite. And every Klansman’s family has African roots.
How can this be?
It’s simple math. Every person has two parents, four grandparents and eight great-grandparents. Keep doubling back through the generations – 16, 32, 64, 128 – and within a few hundred years you have thousands of ancestors.
It’s nothing more than exponential growth combined with the facts of life. By the 15th century you’ve got a million ancestors. By the 13th you’ve got a billion. Sometime around the 9th century – just 40 generations ago – the number tops a trillion.
Of course, that 1 trillion figure include a lot of “overlap.” We’re all interrelated, which is a beautiful and scary thing.
I don’t think the math is 100% accurate simply because human history is more complicated than that. And there were efforts by many different peoples to ensure racial (or religious) purity by rigidly controlling who their sons and daughters could marry.
In fact, some of those pure lines could still be largely untainted even today. Who knows if that’s the case, but I’m not sure we have a common human ancestor unless you go all the way back to Abraham.
It means when Muslims, Jews or Christians claim to be children of Abraham, they are all bound to be right.
“No matter the languages we speak or the color of our skin, we share ancestors who planted rice on the banks of the Yangtze, who first domesticated horses on the steppes of the Ukraine, who hunted giant sloths in the forests of North and South America, and who labored to build the Great Pyramid of Khufu,” Olson and his colleagues wrote in the journal Nature.
Ideas like this tend to give the stories of Abraham a little more credence. Who knows, maybe we are all related to one guy. What a stud.
Interesting idea. I’m curious to see how it plays out. I certainly support the introduction of a major third party to destroy the two-party duopoly we currently have. We’ll see how they do. They’ve certainly got to get the word out, but of course, they’re focused on 2008, not the 2006 midterms.
Isn’t a top down approach kind of a lark, though? If there aren’t any Unity congressmen, any Unity president is going to have a tough go of it – centrism or no. The other parties simply do not want any competition.
I thought freedom was all about choice. A choice between two pro-corporate parties doesn’t seem to be much of a choice at all.
About time man. Yeesh. I’m looking forward to it, I dunno about you, but it’s been a long week. Didn’t work too much, but I’m recovering from weeks of stress and busy-ness. It will be nice to chill out a bit.
Hope everyone out there has a great weekend.