Category : evil

A young McDonald’s employee humiliated, forced to strip and then to perform a sexual act in the back office, during her work day.

This is one fucked up story. I’m not going to try and regurgitate it since I won’t do it justice. Just check it out and try not to think of Milgram’s experiment concerning obediance to authority.

Update 10.2.07: The poor (obedient) girl has managed to swing a 6 million dollar payday out of this episode. I guess she won’t have to work at McDonald’s anymore.

You can’t make shit like this up:

The two-part television interview, titled “O.J. Simpson: If I Did It, Here’s How It Happened,” will air Nov. 27 and Nov. 29 on Fox, the TV network said Tuesday.

“O.J. Simpson, in his own words, tells for the first time how he would have committed the murders if he were the one responsible for the crimes,” the network said in a statement. “In the two-part event, Simpson describes how he would have carried out the murders he has vehemently denied committing for over a decade.”

Not only is he a murderer, he’s also a publicity hound.

Normally I’d insert something snarky and sarcastic here, but is there really any need? I mean, this pretty much says it all, doesn’t it? He’s had 10+ years to think about it, and now he’s going to tell us how he would rather have done it, given what he knows now. Well, that’s just great.

Perhaps he can take on the Kennedy assassinations next. Hell, why not do a reality TV show:

“It’s O.J. Simpson in… How I Would’ve Murdered Those People: The Most Famous Murders in History, Seen Through the Eyes of a Calculating Psychopath. This week O.J. tells us how he would’ve whacked JonBenet Ramsey!”

Look for it on Fox.

Bush eats a kitten, gets boost in polls

Glenn Greenwald has pointed out how the media silently covers Bush’s tracks by changing their own stories to hide evidence of Bush’s bald-faced lying:

At some point, the Post changed what was the accurate reporting — that Bush expressly acknowledged that he “misled” reporters because he had “indicated that he had made the decision to replace Rumsfeld before the elections” — by claiming in the new version that he merely “contemplated” Rumsfeld’s exit before the election. Worse, the Post deleted entirely the accurate statement that the President “appeared to acknowledge having misled reporters.”

I don’t see why he’s incredulous. Bush has been protected like a princess by the press from day one. This is certainly not his first blatant lie, and the media has ignored most of those as well.

Hell, Bush could eat a baby kitten live on TV and the networks would censor it from all subsequent broadcasts, deny that it was a big deal, and then accuse anyone who made a stink about it of suffering from Bush Derangement Syndrome. No doubt some neo-cons would manage to smear the kitten’s good name by implying that she was a terrorist sympathizer. Democrats in Congress would be conspicuously silent and once the networks had completed their Orwellian re-writing of history no one would be able to prove that there even was a kitten.

Now, let’s all just assume that the photo above is just a really good Photoshop job.

Yes, the elections went pretty well — better than we might have expected, but we’re still stuck with two factions of the Business Party. At least now there’s some hope — a fool’s hope, but we have nothing else.

We’re gonna need all the help we can get given what Bush has in store for us. If we don’t lean on the Democrats and make them demand accountability from the Bush Regime and the 109th Congress we can kiss our freedom and our future goodbye.

In an excellent article on Yahoo write Ted Rall lays out the terrifying anti-Constitutional laws that the 109th passed (and Bush signed) shortly before the election:

On October 17, 2006 Bush signed the Military Commissions Act. The new law, scarcely mentioned in the media, is breathtaking for the breadth of its attack on basic rights. Under the MCA either the president or the secretary of defense may declare you an “enemy combatant”–as usual, without proof. Under that designation you may be jailed, without the right to an attorney, for the rest of your life. You can even be tortured. Your U.S. citizenship can’t protect you. And it’s all “legal.”

The Military Commissions Act got all the press for taking away Habeas Corpus:


But the John Warner Defense Authorization Act might be even more onerous.

About a week ago some left-wing bloggers began circulating rumors that Bush had secretly signed something called the “John Warner Defense Authorization Act of 2007” that “allows the president to declare a ‘public emergency’ and station troops anywhere in America and take control of state-based National Guard units without the consent of the governor or local authorities, in order to ‘suppress public disorder.'” I couldn’t find the text of the law at the time, formerly H.R. 5122, or a reliable media account, so I decided not to report on it.

I can now confirm the bloggers’ account. Bush signed the JWDAA hours after the MCA, in a furtive closed-door White House ceremony. There is, buried deep down in Title V, Subtitle B, Part II, Section 525(a) of the JWDAA, a coup. The Bush Administration has quietly stolen the National Guard away from the states.

Oh great. Bush has a standing army at his disposal. We can only guess what he’ll do with that power. If it’s like anything else he’s done he’ll fuck it up. But that could mean anything from invading Iran with our National Guard to… well, enslaving America under his fascist tyranny.

Given the way Bush has ruled for the last 6 years which do you think is most likely?

What can you do about it? Well, you can start by educating yourself about the underlying causes of our current bout of fascism.

This is something of a shocker. I thought they were gonna keep Rummy until the bitter end. But after the Democrats took the House and now — possibly — the Senate, Rummy and friends probably realized that he was going to be eaten alive before committees of all kinds. He’ll probably still have to testify, but cutting him loose was a smart move. The ready-made replacement, Robert Gates, is an old CIA hand who was investigated during the Iran/Contra scandal. Not exactly inspiring. We can expect more of the same from Gates.

Surprise, surprise.

Haggard, seen here trying to strangle God, was one of the nation’s leading religious nutjobs. He was the president of the National Association of Evangelicals (representing 30 million people) until it turned out he was having gay sex with a male hooker while snorting meth. Haggard initially claimed that he had bought the meth with no intention of using it, to which millions of meth addicts replied, “Riiiiiiight, buddy. Suuuure.”

Well, now he has been fired. And he’s even resigned from his own New Life Church in Colorado. What, do the Evangelicals have a little rule about gay sex or something?

It doesn’t matter to me that he’s as gay as a spring parade. What bothers me is that Ted Haggard has preached against homosexuality for years, saying it was a sin, and taking a firm stand against gay marriage… meanwhile he was getting his balls licked by some male prostitute named Mike Jones once a month.

Haggard’s sickening hypocrisy was actually what got the better of him. His fuck-buddy-for-hire ratted him out because he grew tired of getting Ted off one day and watching him preach about the evils of homosexuality the next.

Now Haggard has admitted, “I am a deceiver and a liar.” Well, I for one am refreshed by his honesty (about being a liar). Most religious scumbags lie continually and refuse to admit that they are deceptive sacks of shit, so it’s nice to hear Ted come to grips with his problem. (The problem: being a liar. Who gives a fuck if he’s as gay as Gore Vidal?) Of course, once you admit that you’re a liar you can never really be trusted again. So that kind of sucks for him. He went from “trusted religious leader” to “lying, drug-abusing fag” in one week. Tough week.

So, here’s a question for y’all: When are you gonna stop believing these self-righteous assholes? They continually turn out to be fuckheads and hypocrites. They always attack the same people (gays, women, minorities) in order to gain power for themselves. When are y’all gonna wake up and figure this scam out? I guess it’s as old as humanity and there’s a sucker born every minute, but I still have hope that people will figure out that their religious leaders (especially the ones at the top) are far more immoral than the people they accuse of immorality.

That doesn’t mean you can’t believe in God or have a community of believers. But you have to be aware that the most ambitious and most charismatic people are also the ones most likely to be in league with the devil, as it were. To a person driven to succeed at any cost a few lies on the way to the top are well worth the price. And maybe that’s okay in business (is it?), but that’s an extremely toxic outlook in the religious sphere. A few lies are NOT okay. In fact your whole job is to tell the truth!

I would suggest that the “sheep” in Ted’s flock learn how to read and pick up a Bible for themselves rather than letting sick men like Haggard interpret it for you. Make up your own mind about the purpose of life on Earth. Nobody knows for sure, so you can’t just abdicate your responsibilty and throw your trust in men like Ted and expect it to be okay. The only way to be sure is to cut your own path.

Oh, and for what it’s worth, I don’t think Ted “Gay Druggy” Haggard is correct about homosexuals. Although he obviously knows more about gay sex and the Bible than me, I still think my limited knowledge is sufficient to come to a better conclusion on the issue. Personally, I don’t remember Jesus saying, “Love your neighbor…unless he’s a fag.” Nope, I’m pretty sure Jesus told us to love everyone…and leave the judging to the guy upstairs.

I noticed this full-page ad in the paper today:

The World Can’t Wait – Drive Out the Bush Regime

They’re calling for a work stoppage and massive protests on October 5th, 2006. BE THERE! Don’t go into work/school. It’s time to resist!

The protests planned include on in downtown Minneapolis. Details below:

Minneapolis, MN

Federal Building, Minneapolis
Meet at Federal Building. Peaceful migration to Loring Park.
3PM Concert at Loring Park.

Like I said. BE THERE!!!

It is a strange and harrowing tale. I don’t know that I am ready to write my full thesis on the topic, so let me just start with this recent development in an old, disturbing case.

Johnny Gosch was delivering papers in 1982 when he was kidnapped. Noreen Gosch, his mother, has never stopped searching for what happened to him. In 1997 Johnny returned and revealed that he’d been forced into an elite, criminal pedophilia ring. He didn’t stick around to elaborate. After his disappearance, his mother continued on her indepedent investigation (after finding the FBI and local authorities both inept and dismissive she began her own).

Now, someone has sent her photos of her son, reopening old wounds and begging new questions:

The mother of a boy abducted 24 years ago said she’s bewildered by two photographs left at her front door, apparently showing her son and two other children bound and gagged.

The old photos appear to show 12-year-old Johnny Gosch with his mouth gagged and his hands and feet tied. The boy is wearing the same sweatpants Johnny was wearing when he disappeared while delivering newspapers on the morning of Sept. 5, 1982, his mother said.

“It’s like reliving it,” Noreen Gosch told The Associated Press on Thursday night. “But the bigger picture is, ‘Why are they doing this?’

“Whoever had these photos had them for 24 years. I don’t understand why they would do this now. It must be some kind of message.”

Gosch said investigators confirmed the photos were authentic and likely taken within “hours or days” of the abduction. She said they were checking for fingerprints that could lead them to the source and possibly a breakthrough in a case that has long baffled authorities. The other boys in the photo were unidentified.

Curious. Who would want those photos released? Maybe somebody is trying to help her out by shining a little more light on a dark, dark case.

How dark? Well, I guess you’ll have to wait. I’ll have more on the bizarre connections later.

A married couple were approached by Osama bin Laden’s brothers in 1987. The brothers revealed the plot to destroy the World Trade Center in order to bring the U.S. into a position to invade the Middle East for its copious oil reserves:

The couple, working in the NASA scientific community, said neither of two brothers looked like Osama, but both emphatically said they were the ‘mavericks’ of the family, not wanting to participate with others in helping facilitate corrupt U.S. interests in Saudi Arabia.

The two scientists’ first encounter with the Saudi aristocratic family members came in 1987 when the bin Ladens and others barged their way into the couple’s Sedona Arizona home.

They said the bin Ladens were seeking general information about an advanced brain development project the couple worked on, as well as possibly trying to alert Americans about the U.S. government’s intentions to control the Middle East and blow up the WTC in the process.

“I was shocked and didn’t know what to make of them when they entered. Remember, back then, no one had an idea about 9/11 so I didn’t know what to make of it,” said Rachel Welch. 51, of Albuquerque. “Looking back, I think they thought we may have had a way to alert those inside NASA, sympathetic to Saudi interests, about U.S. intentions to takeover precious resources and oil reserves.”

It’s hard to tell if these people are full of shit or not, but the story it plausible at least. It’s clear to me that 9/11 was nothing but a pretext for war in the Middle East. Look, we’ve got Afghanistan and Iraq and Iran is next on the list. Hell, we’ll get Syria too, while we’re at it. People don’t seem to realize that we’re Germany in 1940. This is ridiculous. We’ve got to stop this imperial madness!

During the first bin Laden encounter, the couple said those showed them sensitive documents and film, revealing the pre-planning for blowing up the WTC and intentions in government for a global takeover.

They said they were told that these sinister and deadly plans included an eventual catastrophic de-population of the world while at the same time taking control of the world’s diminishing natural resources.

Eventually it’s going to come home to roost. We can’t send the world spiraling into suffering and death without reaping our karmic “reward.” Every minute the war continues is a travesty. How have we become the empire? How have we become exactly what we defeated in Europe just over 60 years ago? How did people manage to forget so quickly?

I’ve never understood how the people who claim to be fighting the terrorists (Bush & co.) are the same ones who urge us to give up our civil liberties in order to do so.

I mean, I understand why Bush argues that: He’s evil, he hates freedom and wants to turn America into a dictatorship. What I don’t understand is why anybody actually falls for it. How stupid do you have to be?

I don’t give a FUCK how many people the terrorists kill. I’m not giving up even one of my rights. Not a single one. Or else the terrorists win. (And if you’ve been reading this blog you should know who the real terrorists are… the same people arguing we should give up our liberties).

There’s a new article in Wired that lays it down quite well:

The point of terrorism is to cause terror, sometimes to further a political goal and sometimes out of sheer hatred. The people terrorists kill are not the targets; they are collateral damage. And blowing up planes, trains, markets or buses is not the goal; those are just tactics.

The real targets of terrorism are the rest of us: the billions of us who are not killed but are terrorized because of the killing. The real point of terrorism is not the act itself, but our reaction to the act.

And we’re doing exactly what the terrorists want.

It’s very simple: The goal of terrorism is terror. If you feel afraid — terrified — after a terrorist attack, then the terrorists have done their job. Don’t let them win! Don’t give in to fear.

I know it’s hard to stare death, destruction and suffering in the face and laugh, but you must do it in order to stay free. And what scares me much more than death is the idea of living in slavery/tyranny.

We can’t allow the terrorists to dictate the rules of the game or they will win. We’ve got to be rational about this: You’re much more likely to die in a car crash than a terrorist attack. By a factor of 10+. Yet, do we hesitate to jump in a car and drive? You’ve mastered your fear when it comes to driving — master your fear when it comes to living! Don’t live in fear of death or terrorism. We can’t give in to fear or the terrorists win. It’s that simple.

The next time somebody tells you we should give up rights and liberties so that we can better defend against the terrorist threat, ask yourself: Whose side is he on? Isn’t he playing into the terrorists’ hands? Isn’t the terrorists’ goal to make us afraid and to trick us into acting on that fear?

Fear is the mind-killer. It won’t be easy, but we must overcome our fear if we want to survive as a society. We can’t let the terrorists push us around. It might seem sick, greeting a terrorist attack with a yawn, but that’s what we have to do.

You know what pisses off a terrorist more than anything? Being ignored.

Seriously. They’re already resigned to death. There’s not much you can do to hurt them… except ignore them. They really hate that. Then they died for nothing!

Terrorism: It only works if you let it work on you. You have the power to make terrorism useless. Don’t give in to fear!

The Florida company which makes implanted RFID chips is lobbying the US government to stick them under the skin of 1.4 million US soldiers. According to the DC Examiner, VeriChip is hoping to convince the Pentagon to allow them to insert the chips under the skin of the right arms of military personnel instead of the traditional dog tags.

Very creepy shit. Unfortunately, this is the type of thing the Bush administration loves. They would love to have real-time tracking of every soldier under their command. That would make war even more like a video game than it already is.

read more | digg story

These cops apparently don’t want this guy to fill out a form. He tries to get the form but is told to wait for a supervisor. Then the cops slam his head against the plexiglass as they arrest him for refusing to bug off. As the video makes clear, the cops violated their own regulations concerning the distribution of said form.

The town in question? The ironically-named Independence, Missouri. Glad I don’t live there.

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