Category : Shadow Government

Oh, that would be a shame. Couldn’t they get us involved in any more pointless wars first? How will we stumble into a sure-to-be-apocalyptic future without their guiding hand? I guess we’ll have to make do. On the other hand, virtually all of the founders of the PNAC are now “heavy hitters” in either the Bush administration or the conservative movement at large:

The doors may be closing shortly on the nine-year-old Project for a New American Century, the neoconservative think tank headed by William Kristol , former chief of staff to Vice President Dan Quayle and now editor of the Weekly Standard, which is must reading for neocon cogitators and agitators.

The PNAC was short on staff — having perhaps a half-dozen employees — but very long on heavy hitters. The founders included Richard B. Cheney , Donald H. Rumsfeld , Paul D. Wolfowitz , Jeb Bush , I. Lewis “Scooter” Libby , William J. Bennett, Zalmay Khalilzad and Quayle.

The goal was to continue the Reaganite, muscular approach to projecting American power and “moral clarity” in a post-Cold War world, the group’s manifesto said. The targets were liberal drift and conservative isolationism.

Yeah, you’d hate to have people saying we should just stay home and not go out pillaging other countries for blood and oil.

The article says there is a “mission accomplished” vibe at the PNAC. Now that strikes me as one of the most hilariously ironic statements I’ve heard in a long time. First, it ties to Bush’s classic Mission Accomplished banner blunder on the aircraft carrier. Second, it seems that the PNAC was only concerned about getting us into Iraq, not out. How curious. I wonder if it has something to do with the permanent military bases we’re building in Iraq?

The PNAC did exactly what they wanted to do. They found “a new Pearl Harbor” just when they needed one (how “fortunate”…) and they twisted the memory of the dead from that event to justify invading Iraq, a pissant country that posed no threat to us. “Mission Accomplished”, indeed. The PNAC has succeeded beyond expectations, but the problem is that their success has spelled disaster for the American people. We’re stuck in a war that could last decades while a new war against Iran is currently in the planning stages.

Let me lay it on the line and just say this: The Project for a New American Century is a cabal of fascists who are dead-set on creating an American Empire. Guess who would be in charge of this empire?

Empires are not democracies. Look to Rome if you want to know where our civilization will end up.

The ACLU is claiming that the NSA wirtapping program is illegal under the Constitution. Silly ACLU; they think we still have a Constitution. What we really is have is a ruling cabal of fascists pretending they believe in freedom:

The parties in the ACLU lawsuit, who include journalists, scholars and lawyers, say the program has hampered their ability to do their jobs because it has made international contacts, such as sources and potential witnesses, wary of sharing information over the phone.

Ann Beeson, the ACLU’s associate legal director, said the administration’s arguments in defense of the program don’t square with the Constitution.

“The framers never intended to give the president the power to ignore the laws of Congress even during wartime and emergencies,” she said last week during a conference call with reporters.

She said no state secrets need to be revealed to litigate the case because the administration has already acknowledged the program exists. The Center for Constitutional Rights has filed a similar lawsuit on the eavesdropping in federal court in New York.

Everytime the government uses the old “state secrets” line, democracy dies a little more. “State secrets” is their version of a “Get out of jail free” card. Like the “national security” red herring, it works everytime. I expect this case to dismissed soon.

We no longer live in a Constitutional Republic. Democracy was fun while it lasted.

Meant to post about this yesterday, but Blogger was having some serious problems. So if the blog was missing or there was a post repeated 3 or 4 times yesterday, that was why.

Anyway, director Aaron Russo has a new movie coming out called America: From Freedom to Fascism and it looks absolutely gut-wrenching:

“FOUR STARS (Highest Rating). The scariest goddamn film you’ll see this year. It will leave you staggering out of the theatre, slack-jawed and trembling. Makes ‘Fahrenheit 9/11’ look like ‘Bambi.’ After watching this movie, your comfy, secure notions about America — and about what it means to be an American — will be forever shattered. Producer/director Aaron Russo and the folks at Cinema Libre Studio deserve to be heralded as heroes of a post-modern New American Revolution. This is shocking stuff. You’ll be angry, you’ll be disgusted, but you may actually break out in a cold sweat and feel a sickness deep in your gut; I would advise movie theatre managers to hand out vomit bags. You may end up needing one.” — Todd David Schwartz, CBS

I can’t wait until it’s released (in late July I believe). I’ve been interested in this stuff for years. Not so much the IRS part, but definitely the mysteries of the Federal Reserve.

For those not in the know: In 1913 a huge scam was perpetrated on the American people when Congress gave away it’s right to coin money. This power was transferred to the newly created Federal Reserve System. One problem: The Fed is not federal. Whazzat, you say? I’m serious. It was created as a private money-lending institution. So who owns the Federal Reserve? Nobody knows. (Well, presumably the Fed knows, but they’re not telling). You can rest assured that you don’t.

Beyond that disturbing fact, the problem runs deeper. You see, the Fed creates money out of thin air. The dollar is no longer backed by gold, so any money that is created is just… paper. And most of it is electronic these days anyway. But how can that be?! you ask. Well, Congress gave the Federal Reserve that power when it was created in 1913. This is known as fiat currency because the government simply makes a law (a fiat) and says, “this is the way it is. This paper is worth X, even though there’s no precious metal (like gold) backing it. It’s worth something because we say it is.”

Isn’t this a little dangerous? you might wonder. Especially since the Fed is a private entity (that pays no taxes) controlled by unknown persons. You bet it is. Here’s what Thomas Jefferson had to say on the matter:

“I sincerely believe the banking institutions having the issuing power of money are more dangerous to liberty than standing armies.”

Damn right, Jefferson. So, if you’ve ever wondered how our supposedly prosperous nation managed to get 8 trillion dollars in debt, now you have your answer. A private bank is loaning our government money that it (the bank) creates out of nothing, and it’s loaning our government this money at interest! What a scam!

But who’s going to pay this interest that the bankers are charging the government? I’ll give you a hint: You are! In 1913 (the same year, at the same time) Congress also created the IRS and the income tax. It started at only 1% of total income, but it has gone up steadily ever since then (as I’m sure you’re well aware, especially around April 15th). In any fraud or scam somebody has to get it in the shorts, and in this case it’s the American taxpayer who is getting royally screwed.

Of course, the Congress could always cut back on spending. How ’bout you hold your breath until that happens? 🙂 Not fucking likely, right? Well, that’s why the Congress loves the Federal Reserve; it’s a bank that let’s you go as deep into debt as you could ever want to go! 8 trillion and counting! They never ask for the principle; the interest is enough to keep them fat and wealthy. Congress simply raises the debt ceiling (or is it a basement?) and keeps spending like no tomorrow.

It was said by Alexis de Tocqueville that: “The American Republic will endure, until politicians realize they can bribe the people with their own money.” Well that day has long since passed. We’re like Wile E. Coyote running off a cliff. One of these days we’re gonna look down and then we’ll start to fall. The horrible reality is that America has been secretly taken over by a fascist cabal of bankers.

Throughout American history, a few brave men have stood up to the bankers (the Federal Reserve is our 3rd central bank; each one was worse than the previous one). They include Thomas Jefferson, Andrew Jackson, Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy. It seems that the last two may have paid for their courage with their lives.

So, if I have piqued your interest, please see the movie! Make sure you check out the previews on the Freedom to Fascism site. It looks awesome; I can’t wait to see it. Let’s just hope there’s still a country left to save by July. With George Bush (an agent of the bankers) in charge, that’s not a sure thing!

I leave you with a quote from banker-extraordinaire Mayer Anselm Rothschild:

“Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws…”

“Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.”

George W. Bush

Is it any wonder why I hate and distrust our government? Raw Story has details about yet another nail in the coffin of democracy. At least they’re being honest and saying, “nope, we’re not gonna even try to investigate.” I suppose that’s slightly better than the sham investigation of intelligence failures leading to the Iraq War, led by Mr. Coverup, Pat Roberts.

Roberts is nothing more than a tool of Bush cabal, helpfully blocking serious investigations into matters of the utmost importance. His toadying has helped Bush stay above the fray and continue to make policy when he should be fending off impeachment charges. Without Roberts standing in the way we would have much clearer picture of why we went to war in 2003. Of course, we already know the general outline. Bush is building an American Empire. Iran is next.

The fact that the FCC will vigorously investigate the Janet Jackson SuperBowl nipplegate fiasco, but refuses to even try and investigate the worldwide NSA-spying ring, shows just how depraved they really are. The FCC has clearly been packed with hardcore Bush loyalists (as has nearly every part of the government), who care nothing for our constitutional principles. Covering Bush’s ass is their only role.

It seems nothing has changed since Michael Powell left. Not that we can say that Clinton was at all innocent in this deadly game. His recent schmoozing with Bush Sr. shows that he is very much a party to this criminal enterprise and I’m sure he helped lay the groundwork for the present travesty when he was in office. The only difference is that Clinton operated with some subtlety, whereas the Bush clan seems to have taken off the gloves. A question to ponder: Why is the Bush cabal so desperate? They don’t even do a half-assed job of covering up their crimes. Of course, they rarely get nailed for it, so I guess there’s your answer right there. They own the government, top to bottom. 9/11 bought it for them, and they intend to keep it. But why are they so determined to cause trouble? How did such a driven group of fascists manage to attain power in America, anyway?

Well, it certainly has nothing to do with the fact that Americans are overworked, stressed out, or vegged out in front of the TV, does it? A recurring theme in my posts, for sure. But an important point if you wish to understand why we’re in the middle of a constitutional crisis.

Wired has pried open Door 641A and taken a good long look. Here is a document from whistle-blower Mark Klein (pdf) who previously worked for AT&T as a technician. He fears the secret room was splitting the fiber optic cables carrying our internet data and sending the other half to the NSA for monitoring. He figured the project started with the Total Information Awareness program, which was supposedly defunded. Well, now the NSA is holding our electronic leash. Boy, they sure do wish to control us, don’t they? What’s with the desperation on their part? The whole government spying deal was supposed to be a conspiracy theory…. one that just about everyone believed. Well, now it’s true and it has been revealed as such and it’s staring us right in the face.

What are we gonna do about it?

What could they possibly want such an enormous information-burden for? There’s no need to spy on ALL of us! The government already knows what risk factors to look for when it comes to identifying terrorists, criminals, revolutionaries, you name it. Why would they decide to cast the net so far and wide unless their goal was to criminalize all of us?

Do you know the best way to get a person to act like a criminal?

Treat them like one.

… That’s my suspicion anyway. You know, a firefighter only has a job when fires are burning. In the same way, a cop only has a job if there’s crime and a warrior only has a job if there’s a war on. Are you pickin’ up what I’m layin’ down?

It wouldn’t be the first time; politicians are known to create problems so they have something to solve… after the election… assuming they are elected. And if they aren’t, why solve it? Why not create problems for your opponent? Then he does the same thing for you. Pretty soon, while you’re squabbling like dogs, the public is drowning in a sea of problems that you were supposed to solve, not create!

That’s how we get the super-bad problems like the War on Drugs problem. The problem of the fact that demagogues and idiots made a war on drug-users, is far worse than the problem of simple drug use and abuse. The War on Terror is similar in that it will never end, it is not intended to end, and even though war has been declared on an object (drugs) or tactic (terrorism), the things that suffer most in the war are people — mostly innocent bystanders in a war between shadowy groups who both fight and support each other. The collateral damage is mostly the result of people getting caught in the middle of those two groups (the government and the criminals) and paying the ultimate price in a war that did not need to be fought.

We are ruled by a political class that rule us as if they were kings, walking amongst the mere mortal peasants. They are sheltered from the world’s injustices and deprivations. They are inducted into a society of the well-to-do because there is no other social class for which they are fit. They have never really grown up, and so we peasants must suffer through the elite’s tiresome games, such as the war on drugs and the supposed war on terror, which seem to be much more of a war on the people. Another thing both of these demagogic wars have in common is that they are designed to erode our freedoms and our privacy by justifying it with the old saw, “need the tools to catch the bad guys.” Cops and Robbers for adults. Innocents are arrested so that the cops can have their fun. Meanwhile the criminals get away with it. The justice system spits them back out on the streets. After all, we’d have to lay off cops if there was no crime. The cycle goes on endlessly. Meanwhile, the rest of us are caught in the middle of this evil maelstrom, rocked about on waves of uncertainty and strife.

They’re building a system of control, people! Wake up before it’s too late!! They want to include all of us in their little game! Run and hide if you want, but they can still catch you; they have the technology. Fiber optic splitters to steal our communications, and televisions to assure us that it’s alright, no need to worry….


bszzzzzzshshh! |/<>\| [crackle]

[wavy lines]…. you are feeling…. sleepy. Content. Open. Let us in…..

Things are fine. We’re here to protect you… from the terrorists. The terrorists hate your freedom. They’re coming for you; only we can protect you from an enemy that exists all around you. Any one of your neighbors could be a spy or a terrorist or a commie, or even Irish. Be sure to turn them in at your local FBI office.

We’re listening anyway, so you might as well.

Coming up next, a pitbull dances with a lobster and a hyena! Wait ’til you see this!. ., After these messages.–

Ward Sutton rocks

He’s just too good. It almost hurts me! Any residual dreams of being a cartoonist die when I look at his stuff. I’ll stick to music. But I don’t mind, since I get to read such good work. The whole Scooby-Doo setting is brilliant.

NSA Spying – The big picture

Reporter Greg Palast has an insightful post on his website that takes a wider view of the NSA spying scandal. Here’s a taste:

Worried about Dick Cheney listening in Sunday on your call to Mom? That ain’t nothing. You should be more concerned that they are linking this info to your medical records, your bill purchases and your entire personal profile including, not incidentally, your voting registration. Five years ago, I discovered that ChoicePoint had already gathered 16 billion data files on Americans — and I know they’ve expanded their ops at an explosive rate.

They are paid to keep an eye on you — because the FBI can’t. For the government to collect this stuff is against the law unless you’re suspected of a crime. (The law in question is the Constitution.) But ChoicePoint can collect it for “commercial” purchases — and under the Bush Administration’s suspect reading of the Patriot Act — our domestic spying apparatchiks can then BUY the info from ChoicePoint.

He’s right. The government simply outsources or contracts out work that it doesn’t want to or (in this case) can’t do. I’m extremely concerned about the privacy of my medical and financial records, as I know most Americans are. But it’s worse than that. Much worse:

And now ChoicePoint and George Bush want your blood. Forget your phone bill. ChoicePoint, a sickened executive of the company told us in confidence, “hope[s] to build a database of DNA samples from every person in the United States …linked to all the other information held by CP [ChoicePoint]” from medical to voting records.

And ChoicePoint lied about that too. The company publicly denied they gave DNA to the Feds — but then told our investigator, pretending to seek work, that ChoicePoint was “the number one” provider of DNA info to the FBI.

This is just fucking evil. There’s no excuse for this. There’s no, “Oh we need it to fight the terrorists!” bullshit. Those excuses simply do not fly. This is evil. This is Orwellian. This is downright SATANIC!

It’s bad enough to try and get our , but the fact that they want their databases to talk to each other is extremely frightening. If they succeed at this, the government will know everything about you from the day you’re born to the day you die. There won’t be any discussion of 4th amendment rights, because there won’t be a 4th amendment. What if there’s no more privacy left to defend?

No Such Agency

There’s a new article over at Salon (an interview with historian Matthew Aid), concerning the recent revelations of NSA wiretapping. I’ve been following the controversy pretty closely. In fact, I just finished reading James Bamford’s opus, Body of Secrets, which is basically a history of the from it’s humble beginnings to it massive pre-9/11 decline. A new chapter is being written as we speak. After 9/11 the agency was given a new lease on life and huge influxes of cash and technology. The agency now has the capability to monitor, record and (well, this is the tricky part) analyze the phone calls of every single American citizen. Landlines and cellphones. Oh, and don’t forget your internet usage. If this blog isn’t in their database somewhere, I’d be a bit surprised.

So, that’s it; we’re fucked, right?

Not quite. You see, even though the NSA is the size of medium-sized city (around 60,000 people last I heard), and they measure their computing power in acres, not in flops, the NSA is not omniscient. The problem is that they’re drowning in data. Their intelligence gathering capabilities far outstrip their ability to actually analyze all that data and decide its usefulness.

That’s not to say I’m okay with the NSA spying on Americans. I’m not. It’s illegal, unconstitutional, immoral, repugnant and downright fascist. We need to end the spying programs immediately, and make sure they’re not simply transferred to another agency like the program was.

But we also shouldn’t lose our heads and assume that the government is hanging on our every word. In fact, they probably don’t have a human listen to your calls unless it’s been flagged for some reason or another.

Oh, and the whole bit about the NSA only logging the phone numbers you’ve called? Bullshit. They’re getting the whole enchilada. I’m betting that the calls themselves are captured, digitized, organized in a gigantic database, and voice-analyzed into searchable text. Then the agency’s “consumers” (the White House, FBI, CIA, DOD, etc.) can use the to search for specific keywords. If they want to hear more, they can probably pull up the entire audio clip of the call. I don’t know if they can do this from their PC, or if they need approval from agency guard higher-ups. Knowing the Bush administration, I’d bet Cheney has access to everything under the sun, available at his fingertips. I hope he liked my previous post.

This whole fiasco is not even a new occurrence. Read up on if you want to know more. The Church Committee shut Shamrock down 30 years ago, but it’s back and worse than before. Now the NSA has much more powerful computers to contend with an even greater influx of data. Their methodology for gathering data remains the same. They leaned heavily on telecom companies to voluntarily hand over the data. The abuses of power during Nixon’s time, as well as the revelations concerning Shamrock and led to the creation of the FISA Court and accompanying laws, which is now ignoring. History does indeed repeat itself.

Anyway, back to that Salon article I mentioned above. It seems that Matthew Aid disagrees with Bamford about what Echelon is. He claims it’s just a VAX microcomputer from the 70’s, made by DEC, that was used at various satellite intercept stations. This could be the case, but Bamford was quite clear that Echelon was a software program used by the UKUSA alliance to share and analyze intercept data. I think the confusion could be caused by the fact there are two different Echelons. It’s unclear to me if this is the case, however.

Aid goes on to explain how the Justice Department was systematically kept out of the loop and in the dark:

It’s all coming out now in dribs and drabs, but when it all becomes clear, we’ll find out that the key oversight functions — those functions that were put in place to protect the rights of Americans — were deliberately circumvented. Key components of the Justice Department that would have rightly objected to this were never consulted or told about the program. Alberto Gonzales when he was the White House counsel knew about it, as did Attorney General Ashcroft and his deputy, but outside of that I don’t think there were many others who knew all the details.

Perhaps somebody within Justice still has a conscience. That seems unlikely, but it’s our best hope if we want accountability. We need to investigate this program thoroughly. We can’t just believe Bush when he says, “trust me.” Trust is the last thing on my mind when I hear Bush speak.

Aid then discusses how Congress was also kept in the dark and hamstrung:

They can claim that they briefed individual members of Congress but there’s a difference between briefing a few members of Congress and briefing a full committee. Only a few members of the intelligence committee were told and they were told in a way in which they couldn’t do anything about it. And the briefings were very general and lacking in specifics, as I understand.

What happens is that you’re [privately] briefed about the program, and then even if you object to the program, you can’t do anything about it because you can’t tell the whole committee. Our system only works when information is given to the full committee. But the way they did it effectively handcuffed any opposition because you can’t go to the full committee and say I object to this program and we ought to call some hearings and examine the legalistic background and justification for the program. Even if Senator Rockefeller or Congresswoman Pelosi had some issues with it, they couldn’t even tell their own staff, much less other members of the committee. They deliberately did it this way so the intelligence committees couldn’t do anything about it.

Sounds pretty nasty, right? This way they can claim the Congress consented, when 99% of Congress was not even briefed and the 1% that was briefed has no chance to exercise any oversight. It’s a pretty good political trick. And I wonder how detailed those briefings were. Somehow I doubt they said, “We’re spying on Americans.” I bet it was more like, “In the interests of protecting the homeland from terrorists, we are enlarging the scope of our clandestine sigint monitoring programs in such a way to gather more accurate and up-to-the-minute intel on potential terrorist activities. Terror. Terrorist. Terrorism. Boo!!”

Of course, how would we ever know? The congresspeople in question are sworn to secrecy. Isn’t it great how secrecy eats away at democracy? We need secrets, yet by embracing secrecy we stray further and further from democracy because an uninformed population is unable to exercise sound judgment in electing its leaders. We have to remember that we are the true leaders of this country, not Bush and his ilk. Democracy is for us, not the leaders. Here we are surrenduring our liberty and privacy (without even knowing it) and this is what Aid says about the effectiveness of the wiretapping program:

To the best
of my knowledge, in the five years in which the program has been running, it has not caught a single person.

Pretty much says it all.