This is the most fucked up thing I’ve ever heard. The gang members have named their gangs after all these heavy metal bands — like Judas Priest — and made alliances based upon which bands they thought were good and which weren’t, leading to constant gang warfare about who’s music is better, along with terrorizing the populace in response to hundreds of years of colonialism.

I can’t really describe this, so I’m just gonna quote the (level-headed) article in The Bulletin:

But the Port Keats people were too strong to fully succumb to the church. Autonomous forces survived and, over the past 20 years, gangs have come to steer the under­current of life in the town. “They never sleep,” ­Perdjert says. “They’re always causing problems. ­Everyone stays up till daylight waiting for them to go to sleep. When the daylight comes, that’s when we sleep.”

On October 23, 2002, after a policeman shot dead a Judas Priest gang member in Port Keats, the JPs – who that day had been fighting the Evil Warriors – turned savagely on anyone with links to the Warriors. ­Perdjert felt their wrath due to her marriage to Eugenio Kurungaiyi, the deputy commander of the Evil Warriors.

“They [Judas Priest members] smashed my house, all my property, everything. They trashed my washing machine, my deep freezer, DVD and video machine, TV, table, chairs, everything,” she says. “They burned my clothes, mattresses, blankets. I was there.”

It was anything but a casual going over. Twelve houses were destroyed and eight cars burned. The message was clear: the traditional owners of Port Keats were no longer welcome on their own land. “They smashed everything,” ­Perdjert says. “They smashed the toilet, the sink, the fan, even the power points – everything.”

Six weeks ago, she sneaked back into Port Keats to visit her sick grandmother. But she was quickly found out and Judas Priest gangsters went to her aunt’s home, where she was hiding. ­Perdjert was punched three times in the head. The boys said they were looking for her husband. Her aunt’s house was trashed as punishment for shielding ­Perdjert, who immediately chartered an aircraft back to Wyndham.

The Evil Warriors align themselves musically to the heavy metal bands Pantera, Iced Earth and Testament. Outcrops of graffiti across the Top End testify that Pantera’s Cowboys From Hell album is regarded as a seminal work. Iced Earth, a shock-rock band, has albums called The Dark Saga, Dark Genesis and Burnt Offerings. Testament album titles include Demonic and Signs of Chaos, all of it suggesting the gangs rejoice in concepts forbidden and reviled by the church.

The Judas Priest boys take their name from the leather-and-chain British band. Metallica, the band that screams against injustice over studiously disjointed machine-gun bursts of sound, is also rated highly by JP. Both groups reject the other’s music as crap.

Beneath the two dominant gangs are sub-gangs with names like the Lica (from Metallica) Warriors, Mad Warriors, Fear Factory, Big T (taken from the band Testament), the German Punks, the White Lions and the Cowboys From Hell – a small group of young boys from just up the road at Palumpa. They are variously aligned to the two main groups.

“These smaller gangs,” says a lawyer with experience in the area, “represent the small Port Keats family groupings or clans that aren’t terribly powerful. They form their small gangs almost as a defence against the larger family gangs but inevitably they need to align themselves to the bigger groups.” In a power switch that came after October 2002, when the Evil Warriors lost influence in Port Keats, most of the smaller gangs got onside with Judas Priest as a matter of survival.

Wyndham exile Peter Cumaiyi confirms the lawyer’s assessment. “The reason why they’re in a gang is to protect themselves from other gangs,” he says. While his sons and nephews are members of the Evil ­Warriors, Cumaiyi, 47, insists he is too old to be in the gang – even though, when it comes down to it, he has stood alongside his boys and fought Judas Priest.

This is really weird, eh? Check the article out, man. It’s seriously weird. And it gets weirder:

For a start, these are bush kids who don’t speak English well enough to explain themselves. The church sent their parents – like Cumaiyi – to Catholic boarding school in Darwin. But then came the era of self-­determination, which demanded the church move aside so that Aborigines could do things for themselves. What in fact happened was that a whole generation – these very boys – fell into a vacuum. They got to grade six and seven then disappeared into the bush.

They deal with problems the best way they know how – through confrontation, using their clan numbers, or forming allegiances with others, much as their ancestors did. But their life as bush gangsters has bitten back.

So you can actually trace much of this back to the Catholic Church’s insistence on “christianizing” the Aboriginal population. Interesting… The Aboriginal youth were probably warned by the church that heavy metal was evil. So naturally, when the church lost control, the youths embraced that which they had been denied. It’s very interesting, but it’s too bad that it’s degenerated into a series of tense, violent, stand-offs with white settlers and each other.

I can assure you that most of the bands mentioned in the article kick ass. I’m sure they would not want to see such destruction in their name. But they understand oppression, as do the gangbangers:

When they first emerged in the 1980s, the gangs were not seen as a threat. Because each gang is tied to one of the region’s 20 clans, or wider family groupings, it was thought the boys had simply updated clan names along contemporary lines. Recent events have forced a reappraisal.

“The music they’re listening to is the music of the oppressed and disadvantaged and these kids really heavily identify,” the lawyer says. “It’s anti-authority, angry, violent and rebellious and these are sentiments a lot of Aboriginal people can identify with. I’m no musicologist but that’s what it seems to be. You just better hope they don’t find Islam.” The lawyer pauses and adds: “I think I’m joking.”

The best way they can explain the love of heavy metal is, in the words of Francis, the “inspiration” it gives them. It needs no beer or ganja to kick it along. He says the music “works” when they are sitting at their out­stations, bored and in search of a shared muse. Most like to be seen wearing Kmart-issue camouflage gear they pick up on occasional trips to Darwin. The militia costume would appear to send the message that the boys are combat-ready at all times.

By and large, Port Keats men have lean, hard-cut phy
siques, with veins that rope in their biceps and powerful shoulders. The boys are careful to highlight these features in spray-on clothes. The men of Groote Eylandt, off Arnhem Land, and the Walpiri tribesmen of the Tanami enjoy their reputations as hard men. But for the men of Port Keats – nowadays the most jailed people of any NT community – a special respect is reserved.

Blending the symbols of hard-edged western cultures, gang members – perhaps surprisingly – prefer the angry guitar sound of white metal bands to the tempered black ghetto beat. Rap music, they say, is for kids – even though the shot-dead gangster-musician Tupac Shakur is singled out as an affectionate exception.

They reject the idea that the allegedly demonic nature of the metal bands puts them in the Devil’s hand. “We can be Evil Warriors and we can still go to church,” says Gerard Cumaiyi. “We go to church every Sunday here in Wyndham. We are strong believers. It’s that mob [Judas Priest]. They don’t believe. They never go to church.”

Wow. I think these kids need to get into reggae music, mon. Bob Marley, man. They need to get that aggression out. I think they still need the heavy metal. It provides solace in a world of shit. But reggae offers sunshine, even in the depths of oppression and cruelty. As this article makes clear, skin color doesn’t matter. Music speaks to you, and sound doesn’t have a color.

Shelvey is far from pleased that JP have the upper hand in his town. “All sorts of people in Wadeye are absolutely shit-scared of him getting out,” says an observer. “The Jongmins, as a matter of pride, would say bring it on – but it’s the women and kids generally who are afraid of being caught in the crossfire.”

The Wyndham-based Evil Warriors say they are depending on Shelvey to lead them back to Port Keats. “What the boys are suggesting,” says Gerard Cumaiyi, “is that we need a fair fight with them [Judas Priest] and then there might be peace.” After that, he says it’s over. “We want no more Evil ­Warriors, no more Judas Priest, no more gangs. We’ll settle down with true family.”

Gerard is asked if he hates the boys from Judas Priest. “We don’t hate them,” he says. “They’re the same mob as us – same language, but different country.” “It’s very hard,” says Peter Cumaiyi. “They can be right, we can be right. It’s a seesaw. Who is right? Which way does it go? We just want to be equal.”

Much of it comes down to how young Port Keats men see their place in the world. They have all been through manhood ceremonies and many have known the inside of Berrimah prison. Yet they are so strongly connected to ceremonial business that other communities rely on Port Keats people to guide them through correct ceremonial performance.

It’s a cycle of violence, as they say. And not much good comes of it. Can’t they get together and put this feud asside? Probably not. The warring gangs each have families where the rule is concentrated, and they get their power through conflict. We should not expect to see an end to this conflict as long as it is so profitable (power-wise) for certain gang families.

The ending is hopeful, however:

Same for the heavy metal gangster culture. These young warriors will fight, will go to jail and will go to jail again for their clans. But they are not beyond reach. There is none of the lethargy among Port Keats people that so demoralises many others. The boys are feared by other communities, seen by the cops as trouble, but are nevertheless warm and intelligent and would surely prefer to be doing more than fighting each other. As such, the heavy metal scene could be read as an attempt to engage in the world beyond their fishbowl existence in a community at the end of a long, dirt road. In a startling admission, it turns out there are Elvis Presley and Hank Williams lovers hiding beneath the furious wall of sound. “Yes, we like angry music,” says Gerard Cumaiyi. “But we also like the crooners.”

Good to know they’re finding other good bands and singers. They need to spread their wings and find the good that exists in all kinds of music. Maybe then they can learn to appreciate the good that exists in all kinds of peoples throughout the world.

Monkey sniff butt!

Here’s what this site is all about folks:

That’s right folks! Welcome to Electric Monkey Pants! Your source for sophisticated humor.

Monkey sniffs butt!!
Monkey sniffs butt!! Woo!

This doesn’t mean that Bill Gates is leaving the company; he’s just reducing his role. He will stay on as chairman and he will continue to be Microsoft’s largest shareholder. But I think this is the beginning of the end.

The man who has come to define the PC revolution has decided to walk away — very slowly — from his creation. Microsoft Chairman William H. Gates III said June 15 that he will give up his day-to-day role at the company in two years to focus on giving his vast riches away through the $29 billion Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

Personally, I think this is great news. I’ve long hated Bill Gates for his sleazy business practices, but I think what he’s doing with his foundation is great. If he concentrates his efforts in poverty-stricken areas of the world he can really make a difference. And that will come in handy when it’s time to answer for his crimes to the big man upstairs.

I think it’s questionable whether he can be redeemed, but I’m willing to give the guy a shot. I think his wife, Melinda, has really had a good influence on him. She may be stealing him away from the boys, but at least it’s for a good cause. His dad is quite the philanthropist as well.

It’s always nice when a filthy-rich scrooge-type realizes what it’s like to be poor, and to have virtually no chance to pull yourself up by your bootstraps because of country-wide chaos beyond your control. If Bill didn’t have access to education and enough money to enable him to pursue computers as a hobby would he have even gotten a chance to jump into the software business? I sincerely doubt it. Whenever some free-market, laissez-faire business geek says something about there being a “level playing field” I wanna puke and laugh at the same time. Only a rich person would say that.

In reality, people from poor countries (or even poor people in the U.S.) have vastly limited opportunities compared to the rich. Bill Gates’ parents, while not nearly as rich as their son, were quite well-off when they were raising Bill. Not all of us can afford to go to Harvard… or drop out of it for that matter. And Bill’s prep school tuition actually cost more than Harvard, and that prep school had a computer — a rarity in those days. Bill certainly had some advantages. But I give him credit for making the most of those advantages, something not everybody would have done.

2,500 war dead

The Pentagon revealed today that 2,500 U.S. troops have died in Iraq, along with untold thousands of Iraqi troops and civilians.

In addition, the Pentagon said 18,490 U.S. troops have been wounded in the war, which began in March 2003 with a U.S.-led invasion to topple President Saddam Hussein. Tens of thousands of Iraqis have been killed.

I hope the bloodshed ends soon. Hopefully things will become more stable over there and the violence will recede into memory. But that’s just a fool’s hope; nothing reasonable, based in reality, gives me that hope. Just a wish.

I don’t even know if our continuing occupation of Iraq is best for the Iraqis. Certainly they’re better off without Saddam. But are they better off with us? I think leaving could be the best thing. The occupation itself is probably generating much of the violence. I’d be pissed off too if somebody invaded my country to “liberate” me from the tyranny of George Bush. Yes, I hate Bush and he needs to be impeached, but let me take care of it. I don’t think we need any foreign help to rid ourselves of this menace. I don’t see how we can justify invading Iraq to remove Saddam simply because we don’t like him. If all of the Iraqis, unanimously (or close to it), begged us to come in and shoot their troops and take over the government and set up our own government, then fine. But they didn’t. So why are we there?

Well, that’s a question that Bush needs to answer to the faces of the mothers and fathers of those killed in this conflict, whether American or Iraqi.

Aren’t all human lives valuable? Why do they only report the number of Americans killed? Why do they not even bother to keep track of Iraqi casualties?

Probably because the numbers are so high.

New web browser: Flock

I’m trying out the new web browser on the scene, Flock, which is based on Firefox’s code base. Flock is different, though, in that it integrates Web 2.0 functionality into the browser itself. That means, blogging, photo-sharing (flickr) and bookmark-sharing ( are included in the browser and are supposedly made easier. I just installed it, so I can’t tell you if that’s true yet, but I can see how it will make things a little handier. I’ll let you know how my little experiment goes. Seems pretty fun at the moment; check it out if you’re the early adopter type.

Spread the love in your life

Well, I’m still depressed about Rove, but I’m fuckin’ happy now ’cause my softball team won. We won good, too; kicked dey asses 22 to 7. Yeah! We got crushed last week, by a score that’s too embarrassing to print. But this game made up the difference.

Anyway, not much goin’ on. Had a discussion with somebody and I’m happy with the outcome and our agreement, which I will put into writing. Got plans in the mix, man, and I hope to be moving up in this world, to a more stable position in life.

Speaking of life, I just finished mixing my band’s last ad-hoc recordings. Pretty shitty quality but the energy comes through strong, and the musicianship has really been improving all around. We still need another member – if you know someone, get in contact. We’re multi-instrumentalists in search of a heavy, melodic vibe.

Yeah, music is my life in a way. I’m always listening to it. This blog would be totally about music if I cared to talk about it, but I think writing about music is like dancing about architecture. Something just doesn’t translate. I suppose this could be a gossip rag about certain bands, but it’s really not. I might post an MP3 from time to time and see if anybody downloads it. Maybe a podcast format or just a song every now and then, probably from local bands or small-time bands that I’m assuming would want the exposure (most of us would kill to have millions of people downloading our tunes for free over the internet!). I dunno, lemme know if anybody interested.

I probably won’t talk about the songs much; just say, “here take this MP3 and listen to it.” Then you can bitch about it in the comments. Or rave about it! I’ve got good taste in music, man. You’ll like my stuff; much of it you’ve never heard, I’ll wager. Ah, gather ’round lads and lassies and I will tell of you a story. My friend said that a mutual friend’s neighbors told him that the point of classical music, in fact the whole goal of composers since the dawn of the modern era, has been to compose a piece of music so good that it will open a gateway to heaven.

Now that’s what I’m talkin’ about! Can’t guarantee a song that good, but I think every decent songwriter would love to open us a doorway to heaven in your heart for 4 minutes or so. I’m just here to spread the love.

Luskin: Karl Rove won't be charged in CIA leak case


White House senior adviser Karl Rove has been told by Special Counsel Patrick Fitzgerald that he will not be charged in the CIA leak case, according to Robert Luskin, Rove’s lawyer.

“In deference to the pending case, we will not make any further public statements about the subject matter of the investigation,” Luskin said in a written statement Tuesday. “We believe that the special counsel’s decision should put an end to the baseless speculation about Mr. Rove’s conduct.”

A grand jury has heard testimony from Rove in five appearances, most recently April 26.

After that appearance, Luskin issued a statement saying, “In connection with this appearance, the special counsel has advised Mr. Rove that he is not a target of the investigation.”

Granted, he is a lawyer and so he could be full of shit, but I don’t know. What would he have to gain from lying about this? This sucks, I wanted to see Karl Rove frog-marched out of the White House in chains.

Hopefully this means Fitzgerald is concentrating on Cheney, but I doubt it. I think he’s chickened out. Or maybe the evidence just wasn’t there, but if a guy has to show up at the grand jury on five different occasions, it doesn’t look good. Surprising that Fitzgerald couldn’t get him for anything.

Oh, that would be a shame. Couldn’t they get us involved in any more pointless wars first? How will we stumble into a sure-to-be-apocalyptic future without their guiding hand? I guess we’ll have to make do. On the other hand, virtually all of the founders of the PNAC are now “heavy hitters” in either the Bush administration or the conservative movement at large:

The doors may be closing shortly on the nine-year-old Project for a New American Century, the neoconservative think tank headed by William Kristol , former chief of staff to Vice President Dan Quayle and now editor of the Weekly Standard, which is must reading for neocon cogitators and agitators.

The PNAC was short on staff — having perhaps a half-dozen employees — but very long on heavy hitters. The founders included Richard B. Cheney , Donald H. Rumsfeld , Paul D. Wolfowitz , Jeb Bush , I. Lewis “Scooter” Libby , William J. Bennett, Zalmay Khalilzad and Quayle.

The goal was to continue the Reaganite, muscular approach to projecting American power and “moral clarity” in a post-Cold War world, the group’s manifesto said. The targets were liberal drift and conservative isolationism.

Yeah, you’d hate to have people saying we should just stay home and not go out pillaging other countries for blood and oil.

The article says there is a “mission accomplished” vibe at the PNAC. Now that strikes me as one of the most hilariously ironic statements I’ve heard in a long time. First, it ties to Bush’s classic Mission Accomplished banner blunder on the aircraft carrier. Second, it seems that the PNAC was only concerned about getting us into Iraq, not out. How curious. I wonder if it has something to do with the permanent military bases we’re building in Iraq?

The PNAC did exactly what they wanted to do. They found “a new Pearl Harbor” just when they needed one (how “fortunate”…) and they twisted the memory of the dead from that event to justify invading Iraq, a pissant country that posed no threat to us. “Mission Accomplished”, indeed. The PNAC has succeeded beyond expectations, but the problem is that their success has spelled disaster for the American people. We’re stuck in a war that could last decades while a new war against Iran is currently in the planning stages.

Let me lay it on the line and just say this: The Project for a New American Century is a cabal of fascists who are dead-set on creating an American Empire. Guess who would be in charge of this empire?

Empires are not democracies. Look to Rome if you want to know where our civilization will end up.

The ACLU is claiming that the NSA wirtapping program is illegal under the Constitution. Silly ACLU; they think we still have a Constitution. What we really is have is a ruling cabal of fascists pretending they believe in freedom:

The parties in the ACLU lawsuit, who include journalists, scholars and lawyers, say the program has hampered their ability to do their jobs because it has made international contacts, such as sources and potential witnesses, wary of sharing information over the phone.

Ann Beeson, the ACLU’s associate legal director, said the administration’s arguments in defense of the program don’t square with the Constitution.

“The framers never intended to give the president the power to ignore the laws of Congress even during wartime and emergencies,” she said last week during a conference call with reporters.

She said no state secrets need to be revealed to litigate the case because the administration has already acknowledged the program exists. The Center for Constitutional Rights has filed a similar lawsuit on the eavesdropping in federal court in New York.

Everytime the government uses the old “state secrets” line, democracy dies a little more. “State secrets” is their version of a “Get out of jail free” card. Like the “national security” red herring, it works everytime. I expect this case to dismissed soon.

We no longer live in a Constitutional Republic. Democracy was fun while it lasted. has a new episode (okay, it’s over a week old) taking on the Matrix. Pretty funny stuff! Click the play button above to view.

Scoble leaves Microsoft

Microsoft’s top blogger, Robert Scoble, has decided to leave the company for a tech startup. This is a major blow to Microsoft as Scoble was good at putting a public face on the stubbornly secretive company.

Scoble’s blog is considered to be among the A-list of blogs. Obviously, this blog is not even considered to be on the D-list. However, I can still throw tomatoes if I want to (it’s good to be a blogger). But unlike Armando the fuckhead Scoble is a pretty decent guy from what I can tell. Sure, he’s a bit of a tool, but I think he sincerely believes Microsoft is a good company. As an Apple-user, I can assure you that he is insane, but at least he’s a nice guy.

The thing I wonder is: Will Scoble keep his same blog? What kind of deal did he work out with Microsoft when they first hired him? Was it always considered to be his private blog even though he commented about ’softies all the time? Kind of a delicate situation it would appear, but hopefully Scoble thought of this beforehand and made sure the blog was his exclusive domain; otherwise he would lose part of his identity. I guess we’ll have to wait ’til tomorrow for more details.

Damn I'm exhausted!

I just ran like 10k, and I’m pretty pooped. Been mixing up tracks that we recorded a few weeks ago. It’s noisy and of shitty quality, but it’s pretty fun and there’s some interesting performances. Hope to bust out something solid one of these days. We’re getting better and better all the time.