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I just posted this story to slashdot. Hopefully, they will publish it, but just in case:

In an attempt to sidestep corporate-controlled media, the Participatory Culture Foundation (in association with Downhill Battle) has unveiled a downloadable video player named Democracy that uses Bittorrent and RSS to discover and download videos. They also provide content publishers with the PHP-written Broadcast Machine to enable easy sharing inside the Democracy framework. Democracy software is open source (GPL) and available for Mac and PC with a Linux version coming soon. I’ve downloaded the Mac version and it works great. The interface is elegant and iTunes-like. It’s a resource-hog and can be a bit slow, but it’s really good for a beta version.

Truly. This looks like a lot of fun. Check it out!

The Democrats are pulling in a distant second, but not for lack of trying. The Republicans are just so much better at it. They’re so incredibly bold about their mendacity that it gives them incredible latitude in dealing with any situation. Their actions seem to indicate a sort of controlled panic, bordering on insanity, with enough self-righteousness to detonate a building. The Democrats seem to be aware of this paranoid urgency, and to effectively tolerate it.

Kinda makes you wonder what they know that we don’t.

I was just reading about Arlen Specter’s latest scandal. And I’ve been reading about the continuing Katrina incompetence™ along with the Abramoff scandal, Plamegate, the NSA Spying!!! scandal and the whole thing where DICK CHENEY SHOT SOME DUDE IN THE FACE!!! Holy shit! I’ve joked about that shit happening, but I never thought it would actually happen…well at least, not that the media would ever find out.

Jesus, as if you didn’t have enough reasons to be scared of Dick Cheney he goes and shoots a friend in the face. I mean seriously, the guy is creepy. He’s like the Emperor from Star Wars, except instead of shooting lightning bolts out of his hands, he just shoots you in the face with a 28 gauge.

Damn, dude. We put this guy in charge of a country and he can’t even manage to not shoot his friends in the face??!?//?11one!!!!¡¡¡!! …I mean, that’s the first rule in hunting, isn’t it?

Thou Shalt Not Shoot Thine Friends in the Face While Hunting (or ever, really)

But Dick. Oh Dick. He’s a different one. They call him Dead-eye Dick. I’m not sure if that’s because he’s half blind, or because you are after he shoots you in the face. Either way, stay the fuck away from Dead-eye Dick Cheney. Don’t make him wanna hafta DROP a muthafucka.

Anyway, I digress. But this whole Shotgun-gate thing is a comedic goldmine. Seriously. Comedians all over the world just had a collective jizz of laughter when they heard the news. They’re still cleaning it off the carpet. I mean, I feel bad for the guy and all, but I figure he must be kind of dumb. If Dick Cheney asked me if I wanted to go hunting, I would run-the-fuck-the other way.

If you’re smart, you’ll do the same.

Trouble Ahead

Been awhile since I posted. I know, I know. But I’ve been busy – …., shit! Always doin’ something!

The holidays are over and now I’m looking at the new year with some degree of trepidation. Currently, Ariel Sharon, Prime Minster of Israel (or “Hey, That guy is totally fat!!” as he is commonly known) is very ill, having suffered a life-threatening stroke. I think he will probably die. But we will see.

This can only mean more instability in the Middle East. I have a bad feeling about this year. I’m worried that something terrible will happen. I’m trying to keep chin up, but this doesn’t look very good. Hopefully, I’m just freaking for no reason. But you know, maybe – just maybe – the coming war is a good thing. It’ll free us of some dangerous illusions, that’s for sure.

I’m afraid people in America have gotten lazy and are afraid to face the terrifying reality about our leaders. This is not a bunch of weak-kneed faggoty-ass bureaucrats talking about interests rates or some shit. No, this Bush crew is a bunch of hard-nosed, bad-ass muthafuckers. Seriously, I respect the game they throw, but make no mistake. Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld and those other bastards – they’re fucking evil. Make no mistake.

I’m not talking about knockin’-over-a-store-evil, I’m talking about long E evil. Ya know:


We clear? Never say you were not warned. If you follow this Bush motherfucker, you follow a demon on the path to hell.

I shouldn’t even need to justify the above rant. I fear in the a few years I won’t, but by then it’ll be too late. It’s already too late. But people are foolish and they’re easily swayed by the slick news media. The news has given Bush such a free ride that he’s even got about 38% of the population believing he’s doing a good job as president when he – quite clearly – is not. And many of those who disapprove of his performance are woefully ignorant of his many hidden crimes and incompetence. Even some of the people who are accused of being mindless “Bush-haters” are unaware of just how evil he truly is.

America is in a dark place. This regime will not rollover easily. Certainly I believe that we need to impeach Bush. But I actually worry – would he surrender if arrested? Or would his people lead a Coup d’état? It honestly worries me; that’s how little I trust this regime.

I do a lot of reading to keep up on current events. I have ever since I was a child. Sometimes I get so sick to my stomach I can barely continue. But I usually keep plowing on. The horrible truth is still the truth, and that’s important. I know that a lot of other people don’t read as much as I do. I think I have a compulsion or something, because I do it endlessly. But what about the rest of the (non-geeky) population? Are people keeping abreast of current events? Will whatever’s coming next catch them by surprise? I suppose most of the rest of them already know that the governent is full of shit. Don’t have to read no books to figure that out, son. But the other group will never blame the government, no matter what. The government could throw a big party on top of Lady Liberty wherein Bush would ceremonially rape a donkey and Cheney could narrate while Rumsfeld webcasts the whole thing out to a million PCs and the government apologist would still have some bullshit excuses like, “Oh well, that was just light from a weather balloon reflecting off some swamp gas and entering a nearby abandoned prism, which fell off a ledge and spontaneously refracted so as to form the image of George Bush fucking a donkey and beating it like it owed him money, which was transmitted to the internet by a camera that somebody had accidently left connected to a OC-13 uplink connection…. for a half hour.”

Yeah. That’s a believable scenario. I think the problem is that the government’s excuses for its fuck-ups are sometimes even more fantastically unlikely than the conspiracy theories that pop up afterwards. Shit, that’s probably why there’s an eternal debate between the kooks and the skeptics. The “skeptics”, unfortunately, side with the government instead of rationality all too often. And the kooks love to invent crazy shit about, well, George Bush fucking a donkey in a bizarre ritual. I suppose blog posts like this one are the reason many of those fucked up rumors get started. Oops. My apologies in advance.

Anyway, I’m still hoping that 2006 turns out okay and we don’t all get annihilated in fiery nuclear death strike, or sent off to die in a widening middle eastern war that is starting to look more and more like World War III (and now introducing…. Iran!). I’m also hoping that no more hurricanes, earthquakes or tsunamis rip through our cities, here or anywhere. I pray that a horrible virus doesn’t sweep the world and cripple cities across the globe in a gasping trail of hemorrhaging death.

Most importantly, I’m really hoping that no more of my friends or family die. Looking back at my posts, I see that I haven’t posted anything at all since Jason died. I guess that I didn’t know what to say. And I still don’t.

Rest in Peace,
Jason VanBeck

For the rest of you, and anybody who stumbles upon this page – please don’t you die, either.

I guess this is a shitty way to end this post, but….

Happy new year.

America! Fuck Yeah!!

America! Fuck Yeah!!

Indictments! Fuck Yeah!!

Accountability!! Fuck Yeah!!

Justice for once! Fuck Yeah!!

Impeachment!! FUCK YEAH!!!

Okay, so I’m a little late on this one. I’ve been working like a dog lately. It’s been insane at work for the last week. It was so busy that I almost passed out at 6 pm Friday when I finally got off work (much earlier than the rest of the week). But the good news is that I have a bunch of vacation time coming. So what does that mean?!! – Website updates!! Yay! I will try to get off my ass and actually do something.

In the meantime, I just wanted to weigh in on the recent spate of indictments and investigation surrounding the republicans. It’s always fun to see them squirm. But the Democrats are little better. Just remember: Every politican in Washington is a whore. They’re all power prostitutes. They sell their votes to the highest bidder – “campaign contributions” is just another word for “bribery.” Lobbyists just have to wine and dine them to butter’em up, and then write a check. It’s hard to respect such a person. There are probably a couple (like: two) of good politicans, but they’re stuck in the same slimepit as the other corporate whores; they’re swimming in that cesspool, and you cannot do that and remain clean. If anybody ever tells you that you should respect a certain politician, just laugh in their face. Such political prostitutes are not worthy of respect.

Hi, Slashdot

Wow, slashdot actually published one of my story submissions. Welcome, slashdotters; please go easy on my server. 🙂 Your presence has shamed me into updating my blog.

In unrelated news, the Plamegate scandal seems to be worsening for the president. Good. If he has been unfaithful to the integrity of the office of the presidency – as I think he has – then he should be impeached. Google around for some info on the Plame case and you can’t help but wonder if this is the beginning of the end for this administration.

Hurricane of Incompetence

First, I want to say that my heart goes out to all of the survivors and victims of Hurricane Katrina. Their suffering really makes mine seem insignificant and petty.

Second, I want to say that I am extremely – EXTREMELY – concerned for the state of this great nation. I’ve been reading reports of obvious media censorship that the government is beginning to impose in the hurricane’s wake. Like their response to the deadly storm, the governments attempts at censorship are far too late.

I take very seriously blatant attempts to censor our media – whether it’s mainstream media (MSM) or bloggers. No one should have their first amendment rights violated. I don’t think the government will ultimately be successful in hiding the truth about their lackadaisical response (the truth is already out), but the mere fact that they are trying to censor the press is extremely disturbing.

Let me just say that I have never felt shame to be an American before. But when I saw our people suffering and dying down in New Orleans, while the government sat and watched – and actually prevented people from helping by some accounts – and when the other nations of the world recoiled in horror at the scene, and the incompetence, I felt something like shame for me and my country. I’m not a big nationalist, and it’s not like I’m obsessed with America, but this is my home, and I love the liberty – the ideals – behind the promise of freedom….

But that was a long time ago. And now we have a lying, hateful president in power who is doing his best to destroy this country for which so many fought so hard and died so young (but they died free). It seems that we have forgotten what our forefathers taught. We have strayed from the path they set for us when we elected (if we really did) this simpleton called Bush.

I can honestly say that Bush is the worst president ever, not only because of his stunning incompetence, but also because of his sheer contempt for the rights and ideals upon which this country was founded. And if he had one iota of conscience or compassion he would have called his vacation short on August 27th, when a national emergency was declared. Instead, he only called it short on August 31st, after the media (finally) started hounding him. Not that he did much to start with, though. It took several more days before a coherant response was planned. That reponse was to spin like crazy and get Rove’s best damage control in action (read: slander opponents).

Bush should be impeached immediately. His crimes are many, but for this moment let us concentrate on his stunning absolute negligence and tardiness in his response to the national crisis we are still facing. It’s so obvious that he doesn’t give a shit.

I think it goes without saying that Cheney should be impeached as well. Isn’t there a law stating the both the president and vice president can’t go on vacation at the same time? If not, shouldn’t there be? What were they thinking? Who was in charge? Why didn’t whoever they left in charge (Rove? Libby? Waldo?) call them up and say, “Hey, there’s a FUCKING HUGE HURRICANE coming and it’s probably going to destroy most of New Orleans!!!!” ‘Cause that’s what they knew BEFORE the hurricane hit. Hell, it already hit Florida – we knew it was there. It wasn’t like some sort of invisible hurricane, or one that was so small it was really hard to see. No, it took up a really big portion of the gulf – it was kind of hard to miss, I reckon. I hear they have these satellites now that actually monitor weather patterns here on Earth and beam them back to something called the National Weather Service. They then give information to the press, which goes on TV and reports these things. Surely the Bushes have a TV. Surely, they have enough money to afford one. Surely they monitor weather systems that are predicted to make landfall right next door. Ya know, we Minnesotans may make fun of Wisconsinites, but we’d still be concerned if a tornado tore through Milwaukee. And – amazing fact, this – Louisiana is right next door to Texas, the state in which Bush lives and was vacationing at the time. Now, Bush may not know all this, but I’m sure one of his family members does and they probably told him. So what does he do? Why, the same damn thing he always does – nothing, until Karl Rove tells him what to do.

This is unbelievable. I can’t believe the man is still in office. My God, he should be committed or something. He’s so mentally retarded and so far from reality that he can’t technically “represent” any of us, except the criminally insane (and Lord knows they’re already well represented in Washington). So, can we fire him yet? Incompetence on this scale is unforgivable. I don’t know what the death toll is, but I do know that it’s going to be bad. Very bad.

Lastly, I just want to castigate the mainstream media once again. They utterly suck. They seem be recovering some spine, but not near enough. Maybe it’s too soon, but they should be calling for Bush’s head on a pike. Every decent American should be. His performance so was so disgraceful that his citizenship should be stripped. Let me be the first to say, “Deport Bush!”

This is bullshit. I can’t believe this. Sharon Osbourne must be out of her fucking twisted mind. What a bunch of crap – I will never go to another Ozzfest after this shit.

It seems that Iron Maiden was pelted with eggs, ice, bottlecaps, cups and other trash during their set. That’s so fucking disrespectful I can’t even speak. Iron Maiden are metal gods, no doubt – but more to the point, they are human beings, and deserve a lot more respect than that. Sharon was simply jealous because they go out and kick ass every night, unlike Ozzy. Let the old meal-ticket retire already.

Next time Maiden comes through town, I will see them. Can’t say the same for Ozzy. He’s gotta stand up to his wife for once. This time she has clearly gone too far.


Sorry, I haven’t posted much lately. I’m just recuperating from the busy-ness that was the art show. Speaking of that, it was a success on both days. It wasn’t terribly packed, but I think we all enjoyed ourselves and quite a few people showed up. I’ve been laying low since then. I was scrambling to get everything done in time. We passed out copies of our EP, Crunked up Intellectuals and played live. It was nice, but there’s something to be said for loud amplifiers. Maybe someday soon we’ll blow some eardrums. But this time we only tickled them gently.

In other news, I’m considering redesigning this blog and letting work its stuff. I’ve been doing it solo so far, but organizes, automates much of it for you and let’s you use your own hosting. For free. So, that seems like the way to go. Because of on-going Dreamweaver (and IE) issues, I don’t update this blog as often as I should. Part of it is the design, so I’ll have to make some changes.

The Art Show approaches

I haven’t posted for awhile, so I thought I’d confirm that I’m still alive. The reason, of course, is that I’m extremely busy. We’ve got an Art Show coming up very soon and I’ve got to get everything ready. I’m displaying some digital works of mine (photographs, graphic art) and I’m performing acoustically with Matt. We’ve decided to call ourselves Effigy.

So, if you’re in the neighborhood, come check us out. It should all be very low-key and pleasant. The venues are rather small, but we don’t have that many people exhibiting anyway. Lots of work to do, though. Nicole is busting her ass off, along with Darius, to get everything ready in time. Matt and I hope to have CDs ready to pass out. You can see the cover to the right. Since we’ve only got a week left, it’s crunch time!

Have you heard of the Downing Street Memo yet? Probably not, since the media has mostly refused to cover it except in passing. Once you learn that the Downing Street Memo is the smoking gun that will probably eventually bring down this illegal and immoral government you start to wonder why the media suddenly has an aversion to scandal and drama. Seems odd, doesn’t it? Well, I’ll get to that.

First, what is the Downing Street Memo (a.k.a. DSM or “The Rycroft Memo”) anyway? Well, the first thing to understand is that it is British in orgin. It was written in preparation for a national security meeting at Downing Street, basically so everybody was on the same page. It was written in July of 2002 as the war machine began gearing up for the eventual invasion of Iraq in March of 2003.

So where’s the smoking gun? Well, rather than explain it, let me just quote it:

Military action was now seen as inevitable. Bush wanted to remove Saddam, through military action, justified by the conjunction of terrorism and WMD. But the intelligence and facts were being fixed around the policy. The NSC had no patience with the UN route, and no enthusiasm for publishing material on the Iraqi regime’s record. There was little discussion in Washington of the aftermath after military action.

So you can see that not only did they not have any plan for the aftermath, the Bush administration was out to “fix” the facts in their favor. This accusation has been around since right before the war began, if not earlier, and this memo shows that twisting the intelligence (oh why beat around the bush – LYING) was part of the plan from the get-go.

BTW, the British government has NOT questioned the authenticity of the memo. This is the real deal, folks. Bush is toast.

Or he would be, if we had a functioning fourth estate. It’s commonly said that Republicans control all three branches of government. Well, guess what; they control the pseudo-fourth as well. The Media has long been considered a fourth pillar in this union of states, and one might conclude that that makes the media a little too cozy with the other branches of government. I would agree. You see, the Republicans now control the Executive, Legislative and Judicial branches along with the mainstream media.

I know, I know. You’ve been hearing these terms like “liberal media bias” and “judicial activism” flung around and here I am saying that the media is under the control of conservatives. Well guess what — it’s true. Where did you first hear the term “liberal media”? My guess is you heard it in the media. Where did you hear “judicial activism” (a relatively new lie)? From the mouths of far-right politicians, dutifully reported by the media. These myths have been perpetuated by the same people who are supposed to be telling you the truth. But the truth doesn’t get big ratings these days, it needs to be “sexed up.” And if the truth makes the powerful look bad it often doesn’t get reported at all.

While it’s true that most reporters lean Democratic, this is not as important as it may seem. Who signs their paychecks?

Rich people. And who do rich people tend to vote for?

Other rich people. (heh! Well, no choice there) That is to say, Republicans and moderate Democrats (who I like to call “Republicans-Lite”) The editors of your newspaper, the producers of your favorite news programs — these people don’t have a job unless they keep the reporters and journalists in line. The editors act as a link between the Rupert Murdochs and the Dan Rathers of the world. Rupert tells them how to dance, and dance they shall, if they want their paycheck.

That’s the ugly secret, people. The media is actually a conservative enterprise. You may notice a disconnect between conservative “principles” and the crap on TV, but that just means you have been fooled into thinking the conservatives actually care about morality, small government, fiscal responsibility, etc.. Yeah right. They serve a higher power – Money. That’s why you can turn on Fox – Murdoch’s channel – and see what is basically really soft-core porn during prime time. Morality is nice, but sex pays the bills.

Republicans have admitted that their lockstep braying of “liberal media bias” is part of a strategy. They do it to throw the other side off it’s game and to keep the media (the part of it isn’t cowed already) on the defensive and second-guessing themselves. This strategy is working brilliantly even today. As for “judicial activism”…. don’t make me laugh. Judges are probably some of the most conservative people in the country. You don’t become a judge by dropping a lot acid and going, “Wow, man. Freedom…. dig it!” I don’t think the “activist judge” meme is worth any more mention. What a crock.

Back to my original point – the Downing Street Memo is being deliberately and maliciously buried by the mainstream media because it proves that George W. Bush is a filthy, lying warmonger. His many friends in the media are trying their best to make this story go away, usually by ignoring it, sometimes by mentioning as something unimportant. But it’s not going away, not if I have anything to say about it. And when we’re cleaning out the White House, I think we should take a close look at the media as well. They were supposed to find and report the truth for us. They knew Bush’s case for war was thin at best. Do you remember the lead up to war all those 27 months ago? I do. I couldn’t believe how gung-ho the media was. They were absolutely drooling over the possibility of war because they knew it would drive their ratings through the roof. And it did. It’s all about money, folks.

The jingoism and blind warmongering was sickening. I couldn’t watch it; not that I really watch much TV anyway (I don’t own one). There were a few timid protests in the media, but for the most part I had turn to alternative media to get some real perspectives on the events unfolding. Let me say this loud and clear:


And they should pay. For their betrayal many lives have been lost. For our trust in them, misplaced as it was,
we have re-elected a liar and a war criminal. We have shamed ourselves in the eyes of the world, we have invaded a country that was no threat to us and spread terror across the globe. The Iraq invasion has created a whole new generation of terrorists – I’d be pissed if my country was invaded, too (not that I agree with their tactics. Suicide-bombing is wrong. But we shouldn’t even be there!).

So when the media finally turns Bush and starts whipping up the scandal, just remember who helped him fool us. Just remember who repeated his lies without even trying to call him on the ones they knew were false. Many people still believe Iraq was involved in 9/11 when in fact most of the hijackers were Saudis – you know, the guys whose hands Bush is often seen holding. It should be noted that this is not a gay thing – it’s actually normal for Saudi men to hold hands in public in Saudi Arabia. But that just drives home how close the Bush family is to the House of Saud. Oil = money you know. Money is the driver behind all of this. Our leaders worship the Bull-God.

Please tell others about the Downing Street Memo. Please tell others that the mainstream media is nothing more than a lie distribution network. Please hold the government and the media accountable for their crimes against humanity. Please do not let this issue fade. We need to stand strong and nail the bastards for what they’ve done to us. I’ve got family over there, and I want to see them come home safe and all in one piece. Do it for the soldiers, do it for democracy, do it for America…. do it for Truth.

Couple things…

Still at it, down here on planet Earth. Rockin’ and rollin’, right past my 10,000th day. Like I said earlier, I hit 10,000 days old on June 11th. Not fuckin’ bad, man. That’s quite a few days. I didn’t really have a party, but I did what I wanted to do; what more can I say? It was a tough day, like the preceding 9,999 days, but it was also rewarding and fun.

Now, how about a complete topic shift. Two things in the news lately, that have become linked in my brain somehow: Michael Jackson’s acquittal from child molestation charges, and Apple’s decision to move to Intel processors and abandon (presumably) the IBM/Freescale PowerPC. What do these seemlingly unrelated events have in common? Well, they’re both twisted and hard to understand initially. But if we look closer, we’ll see why they are reality when a more “sane” reality could’ve persisted.

First Michael Jackson and his head licking ways. Two words: O. J.

So how much does justice cost? That’s a slanted question. Justice doesn’t cost much at all if your opponent is poor. The government is not poor, and Michael may be bankrupt, but in this case, having the best defense lawyers around can make all the difference. They wisely attacked the holes in the government’s story and smeared the credibility of the accusers over the wall like a fat mosquito on your arm in autumn. Let’s hope he didn’t really do it.

But would you let your kids sleepover?

Okay, next: Apple deciding to up quit the PowerPC for some weak-ass Intel shit. What were they thinking? Well, it sounds like they were thinking, which is actually pretty surprising for a corporation (in this case I think we can give props to Steve Jobs). They’ve had Mac OS X ported to Intel’s x86 processors since Day 1! Now they have a technology that should allow people to run their old PowerPC software on Intel, via Rosetta. And they’ve kept this all underwraps (codename: Marklar) for 5 years. Damn…. That’s pretty impressive.

Longterm strategic thinking is not easy to do in the computer industry; things change so fast, it’s hard to count on anything. But The x86 line of processors has been around for over 20 years and they completely dominates the personal computer playing field. Personally, I think the x86 line has too much baggage, but I think Intel finally got a clue after driving the Pentium 4 into a (very hot) wall. Apparently they can’t get any decent yields over 4 GHz. They spent too much time playing into the megahertz-based marketing. Bigger numbers are better right? Well, not always. The 2.7 GHz PowerPC can toast the 3.8 GHz Pentium 4 in many tasks. Chip design is important. But it sounds like Intel has a great chip in the Pentium M, a continuation of the Pentium III line.

Since Apple has been planning this awhile — and practicing, with the transistion to the PowerPC in the first place, and the recent Mac OS X transition. When Steve Jobs named his post-Apple company NeXT, he wasn’t fucking around, was he? He had the vision for where the Mac would go long ago, and his recent moves have simply married NeXT-based technology with the Mac’s traditional ease of use. Only now he’s making a frontal assault on Microsoft.

What’s that, you say? How can a company with 3% of the market take on a behemoth (with over 90%) like Microsoft? Well, first you start by making a vastly superior product, which Apple has done with OS X. Second, you get buzz on your side while the giant is attacked from every single angle, and stupidly tries to engage each attacker as he comes, losing momentum when the next strikes. Microsoft is under siege and their next generation operating system, Longhorn, is looking like a total disaster. They over-promised on its features, and now they’ve been hemorrhaging features ever since, while simultaneously pushing back the release date. XP was released back in 2001, amazingly, and Longhorn won’t be here for a year and a half — minimum. Could be longer. Well, that gives Apple enough time (it’s a huge amount of time in the computer world) to complete a transition that is terrifyingly bold. Jobs is betting the company on this one. He’s got the iPod, but the Mac is hugely important to Apple’s long term success. If the transition goes badly, he’s screwed.

Still, I think the movement is brilliant, but it does sever many advantages they’ve had. But I think they’re counting on people hacking OS X to run on regular PCs. It will actually help to spread the OS and solidify their marketshare. People want to try a new OS before they fork over a ton of cash for Apple’s hardware. But once they do they will get the advantage of running one box with both Mac OS and Windows on it; each running natively at full speed on the same processor (but not at the same time, of course). Apple won’t try to prevent people from installing Windows. In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if they started including 2 hard drives in their boxes to facillitate dual-booting. Once they do this people will have the chance to compare each OS side by side, and that’s not a comparison Bill Gates wants to make. He’s always relied on marketing and promised to add upteen million new features to each new version. But now the feature-bloat has caught up to him, along with the relics of old OS, hidden like the bones of a small mammal in your closet. DOS lurks deep within Windows (check the properties box for the old school DOS filename), complicating things while Bill tries to leap into the future. But he’s always been a follower anyway. He’ll wait for the Steve to make his move before striking back. Microsoft will need a corporate enema before he does so, though. From all accounts, the company is not its former self. It’s giant with cancerous gland problems.

Anyway, enough ranting. I’m just interested to see how this plays out. I think it really matters; history books will speak of it. Apple and Microsoft have vastly different cultures and values, and the decisions they make now will affect our world for years to come, for good or ill. Let’s hope we, the customers win out.

Still alive! Unlike liberty!

This weekend, when you’re remembering the sacrifices of the soldiers and heroes who have died defending our country from tyranny, take a moment to contemplate how totally and completely fucked we are now that all the true patriots have gone out and died for freedom while chickenshit cowards have stayed behind to run the nation. Yes, they’re very happy to send you off to war, but will they fight it themselves?

Hell no.

The current regime of lying chickenhawks and their enthusiastic supporters in the blogosphere will take the time to praise the soldiers this weekend, but will they do all they can to bring them back quickly? I suspect that Bush is not done adventuring around the world. Shit, he’s got a whole goddamn army at his disposal. The temptation to land troops on Michael Moore’s lawn must be enormous. But I suspect he will target another foreign foe first. Since outright, unprovoked violence against innocent citizens is still not as acceptable as Bush would like it to be, he’ll have to quietly clamp down on our civil liberties first. To do that he will need either another terrorist attack or another invasion.

So, maybe we should start the betting? Who thinks North Korea? Nah. I’m betting on Iran. It’s got lots of advantages. It’s right next door to Iraq, it’s probably got some oil, and its citizens are mostly Muslim. Bombs away!!

As you can see, I’m not pleased with the current administration’s foreign policy… to say the least. But I try to look on the brightside: There’s still a chance they might get hit by a bus. Actually, it would be better to have them arrested. I think “crimes against humanity” would fly, but the truly impeachable offense is lying to the American public, which everybody knows they have. It’s amazing to me that there isn’t more outrage, but that’s probably because the mainstream media denies people like me a voice (with a few exceptions). Just about every person I talk to abhors Bush and his unlawful regime, there’s just not much they can do about it. For the record, I tend to only talk to smart people if I can help it, so this is not a representative sample. Regardless, I’m still waiting for somebody in Washington to grow some balls and take him on. I think we’ve given him enough time to hang himself with his own rope. He just needs a push.