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WHAT THE FUCK!!!! In America?!

What does America mean to you? To me, it’s about freedom from oppression and the right to disobey the authorities. A lot of foolish and short-sighted people think that America is about “majority rules.” That is not actually the case; the founding fathers went to great lengths to protect minority opinions because they knew that the tyranny by the majority was a just as much a threat as tyranny by a monarch.

There is a video circling the net of the arrest — by force — of many University of California Santa Cruz students who are part of a group called Tent University . I’m mirroring the video here. Right-click to download it here. WARNING: The footage is intense and disturbing. I’ve only watched it once, and I don’t know that I want to watch it again. The sick feeling in my stomach is from the knowledge that this took place in America.

The students were protesting the direction their university was going in. The university made little attempt to accommodate their protest, and then called the cops in. The story can be found here, with additional reporting and more video links at the Santa Cruz IndyMedia.

For those unwilling to watch the video: The students are camping at the entrance of the university. The Free Speech Zone expires at 8 pm, they are told. They camp peacefully anyway. The police come and use various chokeholds on the protesters who have locked arms and are sitting on the ground. The police seem to be applying pressure to the area under your jaw, where your ears meet your jaw bone, and other areas around the neck. It looks extremely painful. It looks to me like several of the kids passed out from the pain. The protesters don’t attack the cops at all, but they scream and wail as the police methodically assault them. I wouldn’t be surprised if the police are sued over this.

I guess I just haven’t been taking my fascist pills, so I don’t see why a bunch of hippy kids camping outside peacefully is such a huge threat. I think the police should use force according to the threat of the situation. This stuation clearly did not call for any use of force. The police and university management should be ashamed of themselves for torturing and assaulting these kids for a crime no more compelling than camping.

Happy 420 Everyone!

A great and wonderful 420, I wish upon all of you. The second-greatest holiday of Timitarianism, the symbol of solidarity and the excuse to party all make 4/20 a great day.

This history of 420 is indeed mysterious. It’s said that most of the clocks in Pulp Fiction are set to 4:20.

I had a good time.

New Pope

So they got a new pope. I think that’s a good idea, because the old one was starting to smell.


Thanks, folks. I’ll be here all week. Try the veal!

So, they got some German, dude, eh? Sounds like a bit of a hardliner. People are already wondering why they picked Cardinal Ratzinger, but the word on the street is that Michael Jackson was busy.

Sorry, y’all, but this shit is funny. Nothing like a bunch of old fogies choosing who is going to be their lead old guy. They picked a spry young dude of 78. His views are best described as “medieval.” He was previously in charge of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (wow, catchy name) — which was previously known as …. The Inquisition! yay! They didn’t give up on the Inquisition; they just changed the name last century — isn’t that great?! Yeah. Kill people who disagree! That’s the spirit! That’s what God wants, right? Isn’t that what it says in the Bible, “Thou Shalt Kill All Who Disobey!” — right?

Anyway, I want to congratulate the Catholic Church for managing to stay even more firmly rooted in the 12th century. Truly impressive.

10,000 days old soon

I will be 10,000 days old very soon. I’ve been aware that this was coming for some time. I calculated that everybody hits 10,000 days when they’re 27.38 years old. It’s not easy to figure out what day that is by hand, though. It’s a good thing that I found the Julian Day Number Calculator. Just fill out your birthday on the top row and then enter 10,000 for the number of days, as you can see on mine below:

So, it looks like on June 11th I’ll be 10,000 days old. That’s freakin’ scary, man. Did I make every one of those days count? I sure hope so; there’s no guarantee I’ll hit 20,000. By the way, if you’re 54 years old, your 20,000 day is coming up soon. If you’re 68 years old, you can look forward to your 25,000 day at 68.45 years old. My grandma recently turned 91. She just passed by her 33,000 day when she was 90.35 years old. Not bad, Grandma.

DEATH! Death, everywhere I look!!

It’s been an interesting week. My car broke down a week ago today.

It died while going down 494, towards St. Paul. I had it towed to the shop, even though I knew it was dead. My parents were there to give me a ride back to my apartment, kind souls that they are. I stuck the keys in the envelope and dropped it in the late-night mail slot. As I hop in the folks’ car my mom points out that the hazard lights on. D’oh! I forgot to turn them off!

So I knew the battery would be dead in the morning. I figured that would be fine since the car was dead anyway. I got the call the next morning, and waited for the news. Instead the repair guy had called to let me know that my driver’s side window had been smashed! Someone had done it during the night, apparently. The weird thing is, they didn’t steal my stereo or my sunglasses! I guess they just wanted to turn those damn hazard lights off.


Anyway, they called later to announce that my 1988 Chevy Corsica was well and truly dead. The engine had finally crapped out.

That set off a chain of events that can only be described as “inevitable” and “stressful.” But I think the most common summary of the last week is that “it’s about damn time Tim got a new car.” Yes, that old car needed to die…

… Like Terri Schiavo.

OH! Damn! SNAP!!! I just riffed on a dead girl’s corpse! Bam!

Sorry, was that in poor taste? I have this condition where I can’t work up any energy to defend stupid societal herd-trips. It’s called: Not Caring.

It’s not that I don’t care about Terri, but I don’t care for the way we’re being manipulated. The media totally creamed their pants over this story, and I think it’s disgusting. They just used the sorry tale for their own ratings; these people don’t give a fuck about Terri Schiavo… but they know that viewers will tune in. Shit, I don’t even have a TV and I could tell we were being buried under a gigantic, stinking pile of media bullshit. I think the whole affair paints our dear mainstream media as a crew of sneaking whores, doing only what they know will titillate.

In school we’re ostensibly taught to think critically. Good thing, too, because once you get out of school, that’s the last time you’ll get to practice those skills. The Mainstream Media (MSM) encourages you to join the herd. Join the “main stream” — get out of those loony tributaries. And you certainly need to stay away from that Underground Stream. If we are the bovine herd down below, then the Media fancies itself the cowboy with a bullhorn on the ridge above. Maybe that’s why we have a cowboy for a president… of course, Bush is as much a “cowboy” as Ronald Reagan — he plays one on TV.

I find it endlessly hilarious how this blew up in the face of all the political hacks who tried to make a mint’s worth of political capital from this affair. The polls have resoundingly showed a public willing to let the feeding tubes be yanked. And so they have been. Toss a drink back for Terri Marie Schiavo, but don’t forget that she died on Feb. 25th, 1990. Whether her soul was present in the body seems to be immaterial – it had no communicative capability because of the brain damage. What freaks me out is the idea of being trapped in a body, unable to free your self (you know — your true self) from your broken body and brain. That would be worse than any prison. Hopefully that doesn’t happen and it’s more like sleeping, or you get to leave or whatever. Those are the questions I want answers to: the things that she – her soul — experienced. But that’s not what the media focused on. In their typical soulless way, they focused on the death of the body. “Oh my god! They’re killing this woman!” people screamed. If somebody had a more thoughtful take on the matter that person had a very slim chance of getting on the air. The MSM is a cesspool of fear, hatred, lingering anger, stress and stupidity… with a little depravity and slander thrown in for good measure.

Anyway, I just wanted to spew that little rant about the media’s obsessive coverage of certain events designed to get us to react emotionally and stop thinking rationally. That brings us to the third and final death of this death-filled post. Like my broken down car and Terri Schiavo, the Pope’s death was a long time coming. And once again the media has completely freaked out about the event, and is treating it like the biggest Deal EVER!

Come on people, it’s not like we didn’t see this coming. The pope’s been in so many celebrity deathpools that he’s been disqualified from most. He hasn’t been a spring chicken for quite some time. Also, most of his views/policies have been deceased in most parts of the world for decades or even centuries.

I guess I don’t care too much about the obsessive coverage of the Catholic Church because it shows just how batty many of their beliefs are. If you’re a Catholic, you’re expected to believe this shit. They used to tap the dead pope on the head with a silver hammer three times and ask, “Karol, are you dead?” each time. What’s he gonna say, “Yes”?

People are entitled to their beliefs, at least in this country…. at least for now. But I’m also entitled to mine, and I think Catholics, and religious people in general are crazy.

I suppose it’s safer in the herd. But herds of cattle are shepherded by predators — cowboys, of course! People don’t think cowboys are benevolent vegetarians, do they? Cowboys are interested in cattle-safety only because they plan to eat or sell the cow later. Why would you place your future and your life in the hands of predator if you didn’t have to?

I don’t think I should even have to justify my beliefs. It’s pretty common understanding amongst cognizant adults and even children, that religion is just a funky relic of our confused and bloody past. Many of the people who realize this still attend church, if only just for the community, or the stories, or even for the donuts. But does church really work any more? Does it deliver a religious experience, or is it just a part of the marketplace, fulfilling a need with drive-thru service? (I’ve got an idea for drive-thru confessions) I think religious folk are having a harder and harder time justifying their own beliefs, even when they aren’t being overtly challenged. The religious loons will invent a challenge, and then scream and wail like they’re being horribly persecuted.

The challenge, of course, is from the depths of their own mind. Some logical part of their brain is still calling out, even after being twisted and marginalized. They know somewhere deep down inside that their views are wrong. Sure, all religions are founded on true events and true people (except for Scientology – ooh!! SNAP!), and yes, even a stopped clock is right twice a day. But most events are so far in the past that we no longer have any meaningful frame of reference. We simply cannot know exactly what happened back then/there, and the archeological data we have is fragmentary at best.

Not that it’s not worth searching…. In fact, I believe that searching is the most important thing. It keeps your brain limber and on its toes. The problem with religion is this: The priests and evangelists offer easy answers. They give you an answer to some cosmic question and say, “It’s right here in this book.” Oh, and let’s not forget that the answer has been pre-interpreted for you. The implication is that you’re not smart enough to interpret it for yourself. There are many different interpretations to basically every single passage in the Bible. This seems straightforward, right? So why do we have a group of “Biblical-Literalists” living on this planet with us?

Honest question: How the fuck do you interpret the Bible literally? That’s just stupid! There IS no literal interpretation, because we can’t even agree on what it says! There’s many parts of the Bible that have been incorrectly translated, or are actively disputed by biblical scholars. If we don’t even know exactly what the Bible says, how the hell are we supposed to figure out what it means, literally? And why would we want to do that in the first place? Jesus talked in parables. I thought these people were supposed to be paying attention to the teachings of Christ. Yet, here we have a group of people who have deigned to give us the One True Interpretation. (Whenever you hear somebody make that claim, run. Get out of there as fast as possible. I’m serious. People who believe that are unstable and dangerous. Most of the blood spilled throughout history has been caused by people who thought they were right, and everyone one else was wrong. The followers of such people are generally ignorant, but they will gladly kill if their leader says it was ordained by God. ) These people don’t know Christ. If they did they wouldn’t go around bragging about it all the time. In my experience boasters are usually covering up some inadequacy. In this case, their fanatic zeal for evangelism and their fantasies of persecution are necessary to convince themselves that they are right.

This world can be really messed up sometimes. I think we’ve got a long way to go until we really understand life. The first thing we have to do is accept death. They are a package deal, it seems.

Just imagine if nothing died, and we would be surrounded by the hollow husks of men & beasts, still alive, but useless — and in agony. We should thank flies and worms for eating the flesh of the dead. It’s disgusting and freaky, but it is necessary to clear the way for more life.

I don’t think most people really understand the cycle of life. Most people fear death. Even the religious folk who tend to brag about how tight they are with God. Death is natural, and it can be merciful, as it was for all three of my examples: my car, Terri Schiavo, and the Pope John Paul II.

To complete the cycle, let me say a bit more about my car: I immediately started the mighty search, gearing up for the long haul if necessary. Luckily, I had put out word long before that I was in the need of some new wheels. I got hooked up with a couple of great leads by my Uncle Piper. I checked the second one out after visiting a couple local dealerships. That led to a trip down to Montgomery to test drive the car. It seemed like a great deal, so I went for it and spared myself a long search and huge car loan. I’m now the owner of a 1999 Saturn SL2.

I guess everything worked out. The cycle of life (and cars) continues.

This blog will be updated soon

News is happening, but it’s hard to comment right now since it’s still in so much flux. I will have an update for you soon. Right now I’m trying to get a new (used) car since my old one bit the dust. More on that and other matters later.

Oh, sorry. That was cold. But is anybody else here sick to death of the whole Schiavo bruhaha? Talk about over exposed.

A kid here in Minnesota shoots up his school, killing 10, and the media hardly blinks. Dear Leader didn’t mention that for days, but he flew back from his perma-vacation in Crawford to sign a bill pissing on federalism in order to score some political points from Terri’s parents’ suffering. Good job, Georgie! We now know that you’re a complete tool! Oh wait, we already knew that. Well, still, it’s good to know that a vegetative white woman rates above 10 dead Native Americans in his book.

Let’s face facts: Terri Schiavo has been dead for 15 years, her body just hasn’t gotten the memo. I think her quality of life has diminished severely, unless her old hobbies included drooling and bed sores. I guess it’s possible that the fiendish doctors have been lying and she’s actually dancing the Watusi every night, but I just don’t see what they’d have to gain. You’d think they’d want to keep her alive as long as possible. Talk about the ideal patient – she hasn’t complained about anything yet!

You’d think there would be a better way to let her go to “the clearing at the end of the path” than starvation, though. I think a lethal injection would be more humane, but then again she’s a fucking vegetable and wouldn’t know the difference if we decided to kill her with a spoon. I guess the starvation thing gives her one more chance to prove she’s conscious. If they find her over by the vending machine, trying to get some Fritos, then we’ll know we shouldn’t’ve pulled the plug.

Make no mistake – her husband, Michael, sounds like an asshole. Not exactly Prince Charming, but he’s probably right about her not wanting to “live” like this. And her parents seem really desperate and sad. They’ve had 15 years to come to grips with this and they still haven’t accepted it. Come on, people. Doctors aren’t perfect and they’re often wrong, but if she was gonna recover, she should’ve done so by now. Just think – if she woke up, she’d think it was 1992 or something. She died a beautiful woman and now she’s an old shell of herself. If she woke up she’d probably try to kill herself! Wouldn’t that be ironic.

It seems strange to me that the Republicans can’t seem to realize that she’s been dead for 15 years. I guess they looked at her vacant stare and her rigid posture and assumed that she was one of them. Much of the Republican party seems to be the walking dead. They’re so much like zombies it’s frightening. They don’t think – they just react – to perceived threats, which is basically anything and everything. They’re so afraid of everything. How come all these old & religious people are so afraid of dying? You’d think people like the Pope would be in a hurry to go and be with God, But you’d be wrong….they know that they’ve spit on God throughout their lives. They know that they haven’t really loved all of God’s children (which includes me and other people who dare to thumb their noses at the Republican agenda). They know that they’ve exploited God to make themselves more powerful.

Not that the Democrats are any better. They’ve resorted to their old ways with this Schiavo case. They see that the Republicans are keyed up about something and they immediately make themselves scarce. They voted for the Schiavo bill, just like they voted for the Iraq War. They didn’t agree with it. but they’re so fucking scared of the political consequences that they ran away and licked their pussies. Not exactly inspiring; I’m glad I’m not a Democrat or I’d run away too – out of shame.

The Democrats are so pathetic and weak that they remind me of Ross Perot’s old runningmate, Admiral Stockdale. Remember that dude? He was so confused and befuddled that you had to wonder if he’d just recently awoken from a coma. The Democrats are now stealing all his best lines: “Where am I? What am I doing here? Where are my pants?”

The Republicans stole the Democrats’ pants long ago and the Democrats are too weak to ask for them back. The de-pantsing of the Democrats would be funnier if they weren’t our sole opposition party. If the Democrats die because of their weakness?…. Oh well. Out with the old and in with the new. That’s the way of life. It ends….and springs up somewhere else. Don’t worry about Terri – her soul is indestructable. I’d be more worried about the neocons running lose in American government. More on that next time.

I for one, am glad that somebody else has finally noticed the disturbing similarity between Laura Bush (Dear Leader’s wife) and The Joker, from the Batman. Now, this is something I noticed 4 or 5 years ago, but you can find a Sutton Impact comic covering the matter here. His take on the MO is the same as mine. I think she’s about three times smarter than her husband and is vaguely aware of his lies, distortions and general malfeasance.

So, who wants to see Laura Bush and Jack Nicholson in the new Batman movie? The studio could save a fortune on make-up. I bet she can really cackle, too.

That’s Laura on the right.
Wouldn’t these two make a great team? Again, I’m pretty sure that’s Laura on the right side. Batman 5: Two Many Jokers! Muahahahahahahaaaaaa!!!!

I have updated my website across the board lately. I think you can page down a bit and see how rare that actually is. But I’m trying to pick up the pace of my ramblings, although God only knows why. Perhaps it’s because of the confluence of my goals and the way things are shaping up. I finally feel like I’m on solid ground, or at least close to it.

However, not all is cheery and happy in Timland. No, I’m pissed about Dreamweaver’s quirks, and I’m constantly tired and sick. It seems I’ve had a sickness/sore throat/flu-thing for about a month now, which is pretty fucking annoying, I assure you. Everytime I feel good, I know that it’s right around the corner. I shit you not. Just this morning I was walking through the hallways of my office and thinking that I felt pretty good. Just a few hours later my throat was tight and scratchy. WHAT THE FUCK!!!! My body has beaten this illness 10 times over, so why the fuck does it keep coming back when it knows it’s only gonna get whooped again. Just to fuck with me, I suppose. But it really pisses me off since it only feeds my paranoia that I am not allowed to feel good in this world. Have you noticed that? Only an optimist would, I suppose, because a pessimist sees nothing but horror and pain. But I know that behind every shiny corner lurks a darkness just waiting to spring.

Sometimes this world is too predictable. Now, if a bunch of happy/cool things happened and there wasn’t a catch and nothing horrible happened in the following weeks, I think we’d all be pretty goddamn surprised. Let’s face it, we live in a world of shit, and everything bad that exists in this universe has a mailbox on Earth. At minimum. Some of the really bad shit is based here. Like Microsoft for example. Anyway, I try not to let it get me down, but when life is just relentlessly disappointing and dreary it’s hard not to get depressed. It doesn’t really bother me that much because I expect so little of the world. Whenever somebody I don’t know treats me with respect and kindness it’s a little surprising. When somebody cuts me off in traffic or acts like a child to get their way is that surprising? No way — that’s par-the-fucking-course.

Maybe that’s why I want a blog: to rant about all the stupid shit, most of it inconsequential. But a thousand pinpricks really adds up. I suppose some of you would rather live in denial and think that everything’s fine. Well, if you’re so happy with things, why not go over to Sudan and help out those people. You have nothing to fear, because life is peachy, right? And they won’t resent your interference because you’re just honestly trying to help, right? That’s how bad life on this planet is — when somebody does something selfless everybody else is immediately suspicious. I think you should help others, but be prepared to be kicked in the shins for your efforts.

Song of the moment: “Little Things” by Good Charlotte. Very appropriate for my topic here, eh?

Sorry to bring y’all down. That was not my intent when I started this post. Maybe it’s this February weather. Maybe it’s my throat, even more sore from screaming at Dreamweaver. Maybe it’s just me. Maybe you don’t give a fuck. Maybe I don’t either. I’ve got my Fear Factory albums for when I’m feeling really down. At least I know that they understand my situation; their songs are much bleaker than this post. So cheer up. Things can get much worse, but on the bright side, they might not! 🙂

Hunter S. and random crap

I went to guitar center today, after dropping my effects board off for repairs (damn thing won’t even turn on) and played with the keyboards. I fell in love with a Yamaha Motif ES-7, which of course, costs $2,400, on sale. So yay. I do want a keyboard, but I think I’m gonna get a cheap, plain one just for a MIDI controller so I can dick around with Reason and such. I’m waiting for the new version to come out, then I’ll probably pick up a cheap keyboard and a copy of Reason 3.0. Of course, that depends on how much the effects board ends up costing me. I hope it’s a cheap fix — I’m thinking fuse, which should be inexpensive.

Is everybody grooving to the new look of the site? Yeah, it’s similar to the old version on the right, but the left side is all new. Took me over 7 hours all told. I don’t think the RSS works properly, so I’ll be testing it at work before I start sending it around. It works okay in NetNewsWire Lite, but not optimally. Strangely, my links don’t seem to work. [UPDATE @ 6:40 pm]: Okay, I fixed the links thing. Can you believe it was just a matter of (not) capitalizing? XML is so finicky.

If you haven’t heard the news by now, Hunter S. Thompson has died, apparently of suicide. Suicide is often fatal. Which Hunter probably knew, but we can’t rule out that fact that he might’ve been completely fucked out of his mind. Of course, he’s been on lotsa drugs for years and never killed himself before so who knows. Either way, it sucks, and the world has lost a truly talented and insane writer. For me, he’ll always be immortalized in Johnny Depp’s hilarious portrayal. That movie is brilliant. I’ll leave you with a quote from his later days:

“I hate to advocate drugs, alcohol, violence or insanity to anyone, but they’ve always worked for me.”

— Hunter S. Thompson, 1937 – 2005

Redesign time

Holy shit! I finally did it! I spent over 6 hours getting this weblog up to speed. I did a major redesign and I’m adding RSS, anchor links and a bunch of other stuff. I hope you like it.

Scratching My Ass

I had a tough time scratching my ass the other day. Normally, that’s a pretty easy process, but things ain’t always easy. Well, giving in is, I suppose. That’s what I didn’t want to do. I was at the Mall of America, catching a ride on the light-rail, which is not as easy as it sounds either. For one thing, this is located on the southeast side of the Mall and it’s a fucking shithole. They don’t clean up down there, probably because they figure us bus-ridin’, light-rail-taking folks are used to it. Fuck that. Anyway, there was a lot of people down there, trying to catch the train into the city, but every single ticket-machine was busted except one. Those machines are pieces of shit, but they can’t be expected to breeze through a Minnesota winter.

So me and my crew (which is to say Matt & Nikki) are waiting in line to get ticket that they will never bother to check. This old lady in front of us gets up to the machine and promptly starts to panic. She can’t get the damn machine to take her dollar bills. Everybody starts giving her advice. She’s on the verge of tears and can’t get anything right. Somebody yells for the cop to come help. He’d been been sitting over by the gates, scratching his ass.

You see, I wanted to scratch my ass, just like him. We’re all human after all, but I saw all the video cameras as I came down to that level, and the prospect of getting my rectum-rubbing on tape (or are they digital!) was not an appealing one. It was one of those un-holy itches where you know you’ve gotta jam your hand way back there in order to get at it. It’s kind of a private moment, and there was nothing nearby to kind of hide behind. (ha! get it?) So I just went for it. I’m sure you’ll see it if I ever get famous. The Ass Scratching Tape, they’ll call it. Or maybe Urges From the Deep. Regardless, I feel a little kinship with Paris Hilton, but not much. She’s still a skanky-ass slut who needs to be tied up and sent to live in the dirtiest part of Buenos Aires.

But (and I do mean “butt”) how can we as a society tape all of our lowliest citizens as they try to get on the bus — one of the easiest challenges we face daily — but we don’t put video cameras in corporate boardrooms, where they might actually catch something that threatens our safety and security. Instead, we prefer to be titillated. We know there’s something seedy going on at the bus station. And I’m sure there is. Theft, violence, drugs and stupidity — it’s all there. But we rarely catch anything substantial. What about the people who sit behind closed doors (because they can afford great oaken doors) and plot to steal millions or billions of dollars? What about those who slash thousands of jobs in order to make the stock go up short-term, which enables them to cash out and make millions? Why aren’t we monitoring them on camera? They are the people who need watching.

Do we really need video evidence to throw Jimmy Tough-Streets in jail? No, we’ve been throwing him in jail for years — centuries. But what about James Easy-Street — why doesn’t he ever do any time? He claims to employ many. Funny, he never talks about the people he impovrishes. Or about those killed in the managed wars that he particiapes in, all for the greater enrichment of the military-industrial complex. I bet he’s very content with the sorrow he’s wrought to others, just as I would be very happy if he were behind bars.

Do you think you can look at a person and tell if he’s good or evil by the clothes he wears? I think we make many judgments about people every day on that very basis — myself included — and most of it is baseless or banal. I see those politicians on TV in their expensive suits and I know that the people inside those suits aren’t worth more than a piece of rat shit, festering under the sun. Sure, not every person in the ghetto is a glowing example of class and decency, but at least you know what you’re getting. The rich and powerful lie and cheat and steal to say in power — or maybe just for fun. They think the poor would do the same thing in their position…..but would they?

I would like to make a break in the chain and not immediately dive into despoticism as soon as the cup of power touches my lips. Somehow it’s possible to end the cycle of oppression that has continued unabated for so many millenia. We humans are not rats. But our leaders treat us as if we are — is that how they see us? I’ve often thought that people who don’t trust others are themselves untrustworthy. I’m willing to give people a chance (but I’m not a foolish glutton for fallacy — thus the rant you’re reading), but the powerful will give few such a hearing. They look at you like you’re human filth, but it is the reflection in our eyes that they see.

So I try to look kindly at the old woman who can’t figure out a ticket machine. In her defense, the user interface was extremely crappy, and I as I was watching her try to use the machine, she did things that should have worked, but weren’t implemented by lazy programmers and the non-existant UI team. She was a woman plagued by the idiocy and greed of others. Did the company that made those machines know they were making a crappy product that wouldn’t stand up to winter or usage? Of course — they’re not that dumb! But they still got paid, and probably extremely well considering that it was juicy government contract (“Lots of overtime boys! Scratch your asses and get paid for it!”). Who suffers for their mistakes? Not them certainly — they don’t take public transportation! Are you crazy?! You can’t park an SUV on a bus (although they would if they could).

I hope you enjoy a little glimpse into the base realities of our culture and economy. Afterall, it affects all of us on a daily basis, and helps determine our station in life. I guess if you aren’t a rat, willing to crawl over the backs of the poor to get yours, then you don’t deserve it. Such is capitalism.

So when you see that Ass-ilistic Scratch-tastic video of mine, enjoy it. Your tax dollars paid for the video. Maybe there was a video camera in the ticket-machine, just like in ATMs. It’ll never break, of course. Maybe you can stare right at that old lady’s face as she nearly breaks down trying to get fucking ticket. Make sure you laugh — that could never be you, could it? You’re stronger, faster, smarter, better — right?

If you’re wondering, yes, she did eventual manage to get a ticket. She needed the help of the cop and four impatient strangers behind her, but she did it. And in her fluster she didn’t grab all of her change, leaving it for us to fish out, and then experience our own frustrations with the machine.

Nobody asked to look at any of our tickets. The cop was too busy helping people (poorly) use the machine and dreaming about his imminent retirement (looks like that 401K didn’t come through). Here we are, holding up the system on our backs, trying our best to color within the lines and not make waves. We do it every day. Do our elite, jet-set, power-broker leaders give a shit? No, they’re looking for the best way to explo
it both us and the system for their own personal gain. I don’t think your have to buy tickets when you have your own learjet. Although I’m sure they can be a real struggle, too. Oh, what a pity. I’m sympathetic — really!

And so the struggle continues. Sorry to bitch so much, but I’d like to be more of a muckraker than a whiner. Now you see what it’s like to be me. Just scratching my ass brings impossibly complex questions of wrong and right inside a cracked system. Maybe one day we’ll wake up and change the system. Until then, I’ll continue to worry about scracthing my ass in public.